20 - Melting Heart

Start from the beginning

Fuck! What if she is inside? No, I should check first, I shouldn't do anything based on just the possibility.

I took the stairs after making sure Minseo was safe in my car with my bodyguard. Reaching the 6th floor where the bakery was, I still don't see her. I immediately asked the bakery owner if he saw her and he told she had already left a few minutes ago.

"Could you please call for the maintenance team of this building? I am worried if she is stuck in the elevator," I asked. She is afraid of dark and closed spaces, I can't let her stay in there for too long.

He called and let me know that they are already working on it, but I was growing restless as the time passed.

"It's been 10 minutes already! If something happens to her I won't let any of you!" I exclaimed, pacing in front of the lift. Another 10  long minutes later, the elevator finally started working again, going  to the ground floor. I immediately raced down the stairs and reached just in time to see the door opening, revealing Soomin on the floor, shivering and covered in cold sweat, hugging her knees close to her chest. "Soomin!" I called out, kneeling in front of her, but when she didn't reply, I took her in my arms and walked to her car. She was sweating a lot, shivering in my hold and hiding her face in my chest. It broke me to see her like this.

The bodyguard opened the door for me as I sat in the backseat with Soomin on my lap and Minseo immediately got worried seeing her mother like this.

"Soomin? Soomin, look here, you are safe, see, you are out," I said, softly caressing her back. But she didn't look up, she wrapped her hands around my neck and nuzzled her face into the crook of my neck.

"What happened, Appa?" Minseo asked, "she got stuck in the elevator, dear, don't worry, she will be ok soon," I consoled the little girl, and myself. I kept running my hand along her back, trying to let her know she is not alone. "Please, I am- I am so- sorry," she mumbled under her breath, pulling herself closer to me.

"Soomin-ah," I called out and my voice cracked. I felt both anger and sadness spread through me, angry at her mother for making Soomin like this and sad that Soonmin still suffered because of the cruel punishments her mother gave.

I slowly rocked her back and forth as I told my driver to start for her place, I placed a little peck on her head as Minseo leaned on me, and put a hand around her mother. After a few minutes, her breathing slowly came back to normal and she passed out in exhaustion. When we reached her place, I took her in my arms and walked to her room with Minseo following me. I placed her on her bed and sat next to her, combing my fingers through her hair. My heart clenched watching her tear-stained cheeks and red nose. She didn't deserve this.

"When will eomma wake up?" Minseo asked, a frown forming on her lips. "She is simply resting, dear, she will wake up after an hour or so," I said, and pulled her onto my lap as I leaned against the headboard. I made Soomin lay her head on one thigh and made Minseo sit on the other and she leaned her back onto me and fell asleep.

Having the two most important girls in my life close to me eased my heart, filling it with content, and I too slipped into the dreamland.

Soomin pov

I slowly woke up and looked around me, finding Minseo sleeping on Hoseok and realized that I myself was sleeping on his thigh, my mind was telling me to move away, but the comfort I felt from being this close to him held me in my spot, it would be a lie if I told I didn't miss this. Even though I repeatedly tell myself I don't love him anymore, there still remains a part of me somewhere that still has feelings for him.

Eventually detaching myself from the very comfortable position I picked up Minseo and laid her down on the bed. Hoseok looked so peaceful sleeping that I didn't want to wake him up, so I left him there and went to the bathroom to wash my face.

It's been years since I found myself in a situation like this, after Eomma died, there was no one to lock me in a dark room and I made sure to avoid the dark and had at least a little source of light in the room I am in.

I let out a sigh, looking at myself in the mirror, my eyes were swollen from all the crying I did in that dark elevator and when I was clinging to Hoseok. He held me the same way he did the last time when we both were put in a similar situation years ago. Spending time with him is really messing up my mind these days. I can't develop feelings for someone like him again who gave up on our relationship because of his selfish reasons.

You hate him, Soomin! He is only your daughter's father, he means nothing to you and you can't let him in again!

On-time! 😁
I fucking hate my university, I can't even leave this stupid place now and even if I leave what else should I do? I don't know what I am interested in, I am so indecisive 😭😤 being a kid feels so good right now, growing up is not easy😭

Happy reading!💜

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