"this guy is really kotaro's twin.."
y/n mumbled as she flipped the next page carefully. her eyes left the illustrations for a second once she heard rain droplets hitting the window's glass. after putting on the bookmark, she closed the book and walked towards the window to watch the rain slowly soaking the empty streets.

"i hope the rain stops before keiji comes home..."
she whispered and grabbed her phone to text her brother if he took an umbrella with him since the rain didn't look like it was stopping anytime soon. before she could tap on his contact, bokuto's contact flashed on the screen which startled her.
she stared at the number for few seconds before sighing and picking up.

"don't you have practice idiot?"
she threw herself on her bed as she pulled her phone closer to her ear, but what she heard next made her eyes widen.

"why.. why are you crying? what happened?"
y/n's heart began pounding as bokuto's cries got a bit louder, she was getting extremely worried and her mind started playing horrible things that might've happened.

did something happen to keiji? did something happen to kotaro? what.. if.. what if..?!

"i scratched my hand!"
the pieces of those illusions shattered which made her face turn pale. she should've guessed that, to think that someone might suddenly call and say nothing but cry loudly just because they scratched their hand was not stupid enough, that person could never be someone else but bokuto.

y/n got up and scolded bokuto for what felt like a year, but in the end, his innocent expressions and words are his ultimate, secret weapon which makes him always win. and she ended up being the one apologizing for yelling at him and told him to come over with keiji so they could hang out together tonight.

and with that, y/n's peaceful evening turned into a chaotic one once bokuto set foot into the house, they played mario kart and the siblings would always win which made bokuto turn into his emo mode so they let him win in the end, board games, had a karaoke night which was the best part thanks to bokuto's terrible singing, the siblings couldn't hold back their laughter everytime bokuto would attempt to reach the high note but his voice will crack.
however, bokuto had to leave since his mother told him that they had guests. as akaashi was busy cooking dinner, y/n walked bokuto to the door after she wore her jacket.

"i had so much fun, y/n-chan!"
bokuto beamed as he wrapped the scarf that she gave him the other day when they visited the cat cafe around his neck. nodding her head, she stuffed her hands inside her pockets and kicked few pebbles that were near her feet.

"i don't know if agaashee told you, but im really happy that you'll be going to fukurodani too!!! I'M GONNA SEE YOU EVERYDAY NOW!"
bokuto bounced up and down which made her sigh and lay back against the wall.

"as if you're not sticking to me all the time doofus, i don't know how am i going to survive a whole year with yo-"
suddenly, realization hit her. it was bokuto's last year in high school. a slight pain took over her heart once she started imagining her life without bokuto. he on the other hand, understood what was going on with her. he gently pulled her closer to his chest and rested his chin on her head.

"it's not like we're not gonna see each other again, y/n-chan.. I'll always have time for you and agaashee."
he softly spoke as he rubbed her back, his actions made tears slowly form in the corner of her eyes. one of y/n's biggest fears was growing attached to someone, cause she could never let go.
her hands slowly rubbed his back as well as she hid her face in his chest.

bokuto has never seen y/n like this, she looked so fragile, so harmless. hearing her muffled sobbing against his chest made his heart ache, but he felt happy as well that she was showing him other sides of her. after she calmed down, he gently pulled away and cupped her face as he rested his forehead against hers.

"your nose is so pink, that's so cute."
he chuckled while caressing her cheeks with his thumb. scoffing, she pursed her lips and looked away.

"shut up before i strangle you."
bokuto shook his head with a smile as he pulled away. he slung his bag over his shoulder and waved his hands at her.

the wild cat is back.
he thought to himself.

"goodnight y/n-chan!"
before he could turn, something popped in that mind of his which made him gasp and rush back to her.

"AAAA I JUST REMEMBERED! there's this shojo manga that ive been reading, and the two main characters really remind me of us!!! what if the creator stalked us and made a whole manga series out of it?!?"
bokuto started panicking and held his hands out for defense. the female was speechless, this guy's stupidity was on a whole different level. but that didn't last long when she bursted it out laughing.

"you're such an idiot, kotaro. yeah i do know that manga.. it's my favorite actually."
she shrugged her shoulders and crossed her arms against her chest. bokuto's eyes sparkled and nodded his head eagerly.

"me too! and you know what's my favorite part?"
bokuto leaned closer to her face which made her step back until her back hit the wall. a smirk curled on his lips and he found himself pinning her against the wall. his face few inches from

"that the two ended up together in the end."

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