"Wake up, Potter! We're going to the Zoo!" He said, continuing to jump as she put her glasses on and got dressed, which was not very easy in such a small space before heading out only to be pushed back in by Dudley as she had to fight that impulsive thought to ram him with the door as she bit her lip and instead walked out.

"Oh, here he comes, the birthday boy!" She hears her aunt call as she gets out of her closet. She sighs. The only thing she ever got for her birthday was sometimes hand-me-down clothes and cleaning supplies. She could not wait until next year. She would be eighteen and could leave.

"Happy birthday, son." His uncle says to him.

Petunia and Dudley giggle together. Marie comes into the kitchen, dressed in outgrown clothes.

Petunia glares at her niece. "Why don't you just cook the breakfast and try not to burn anything." She snaps at her niece.

"Y-Yes, Aunt Petunia." Marie says and gets to cooking.

Just one more year.

"I want everything to be perfect for my Dudley's special day," Petunia says happily.

She bit her lip, holding back a comment as she took over the cooking.

She is placing the bacon on the plates when Vernon opened his mouth, "Hurry up! Bring my coffee, girl." She rolled her eyes as her back was turned before feeling bad for said behavior.

"Yes, Uncle Vernon." She said as she grabbed it while Petunia leads Dudley to his presents.

"Aren't they wonderful, darling?" She said, beaming. You could see Dudley's face going red as he spun to his uncle.

"How many are there?" He practically spat it out.

"Thirty-six. Counted 'em myself." Vernon toted, pride oozing from him at such an accomplishment.

Dudley looked on in disbelief. "Thirty-six?! But last year I had thirty-seven!"

"Err yes. Well, some of them are quite a bit bigger than last year."

"I don't care how big they are!" Dudley said, looking red in the face now.

"Now, now, now. This is what we're going to do is that when we go out, we're going to buy you two new presents! How's that, pumpkin?" Petunia asked, trying to calm the literal almost grown adult from his temper tantrum.

Marie closed her eyes and sighed

They finished up breakfast and Marie did the dishes, she was only allowed a little of food. It was better than the nights that she went hungry because of being locked in the cupboard. She had to end up going to the Zoo with Duddly. Since the babysitter could not make it. She was excited cause now she would be able to get out of the house.

Currently, they were in the reptile exhibit, and Dudly was pressing his mug up against the glass, unhygienic. The snake they were looking at currently wasn't moving, which was typical snake behavior.

"Make it move." Duddly says.

Vernon taps the glass of the cage. "Move!"

Dudley taps the glass much harder, and Vernon nervously winces. "MOVE!"

"He's asleep!" Marie snaps at her cousin.

"He's boring." Duddly says and walks away.

Marie is left with that snake. "Sorry about him. He doesn't understand what it's like lying there day after day, having people press their ugly faces in on you." She says, and The snake looks up and blinks. Marie stares shocked. "Can you...hear me?" She asks, and The snake nods. "It's just...I've never talked to a snake before. Do you... I mean... do you talk to people often?" The snake shakes its head. "You're from Burma, aren't you? Was it nice there? Do you miss your family?"

The snake turns its head in the direction of a sign which says, Bred in Captivity. Marie frowned at that.

"I see. That's me as well. I never knew my parents, either." She tells the snake.

When a snake seems to be more rateable than your own family there may be a slight issue. But whatever the case was, she was talking to a snake.

Duddly may not have seen her talking to the snake, but he saw it was up as he rushed over. "Mommy, Dad, come here! You won't believe what this snake is doing!" He said as he pushed her out of the way causing her to fall to the ground

She groaned, and she was going to bruise, that was for sure. She glared at him. Her eyes were narrow as he presses himself into the glass. Next thing the glass was gone, and he was top heavy falling into the snake enclosure.

Marie stared in amazement as the rest of the visitors freaked as a dazed Dudley stood up to exit only to hit the glass again. It had somehow appeared and disappeared.

He banned on the glass screaming as Petunia and Vernon both tried to get their son out. Marie could not help but laugh at that! It was funny to her to see her bully in a panic. That is when Vernon's eyes were on her, and she stopped her face turned pale.

They left the zoo, and Petunia took Duddly upstairs. At the same time, Vernon grabbed Marie by her hair.

"WHAT HAPPENED?" Vernon demand.

"I-I do-don't know! The gl-glass was th-there, and then it wasn't i-it was like m-ma-magic!" She cried out.

He drags her by her hair and throws her in her closet. "THERE IS NO SUCH THING AS MAGIC!"

The grate to see was closed, and Marie curled in a ball. Just one more year...

The Chosen One: Various Yandere Harry Potter X Female Harry OC (Remake)Where stories live. Discover now