The wolf passed the horse, gaining on Luz, "You've got a girlfriend huh?" They growled. "Heh..She'll be mine soon enough. When I win, of course."

Luz, not having even used her top speed, growled. What were the rules of the competition again? Luz jumped forward, the parrot on the intercom gasping, "And Luz jumps down on all fours! Ari follows, she's gaining on her! Bessie, Toro, and Star catch on!"

Horse, Bull, Cat. ^

"I don't care if I get disqualified-- As long as you, DON'T WIN!" Ari jumped, biting Luz's hind leg.

The pup yelped, falling forward, a small dust cloud forming. Gasps cane from the crowd, then a yell, "Amity!" Camilla, Eda and Vee exclaimed.

Luz turned, Amity yowling as she jumped onto the track and tackled Ari. The wolf cried out, the living daylight being scratched out of her as Amity showed some remorse. "Catch you later Luz!" Bessie passed.

"LUZ KEEP GOING!!" Vee yelled.

The pup stumbled for a second before getting back up and continuing the race. 'Oh my gosh I'm totally going to marry Amity--' Luz fluffed up at the thought. 'Wait I didn't lick my girlfriend!! I gotta go back-' Luz shook her head. "SORRY BESSIE!! I GOTTA GO LICK MY GIRLFRIEND!!" Luz barked.

Bessie was quickly passed, Luz skidding to turn, Bessie sighing before snickering. "GO GET HER LUZ!"

Toro passed her, snorting, "Not on my watch!"

Bessie's ears pinned back, the horse picking up the pace before jumping. "Not on my watch." Bessie huffed. "Leave the pup alone gosh darn it. She's got a girlfriend to worry about!"

The cat fell down by her, hissing softly, "Yeah. I joined cause my mom wanted me to. I give up.."

Luz pulled Amity from Ari, the kitten relaxing at the touch, looking up at Luz and purring. "Good job Mi Amor!" Luz yipped, holding her up, jogging to the finish line. "I looooooove you!!"

Amity mewed, nuzzling Luz's cheek, glaring at Ari before smiling brightly at the pup. "What a turn of events! Uh- Congrats Luz Noceda!"

Confused and happy cheers came from the crowd, Luz going to the grass patch and sitting down, grooming Amity's fur. The cheers turned to soft coos, the parrot flying over to Luz with the basket. "Here you are kid! You staying for the long jump too?"

"Yessir!" Luz yipped, tail wagging as she continued to groom her kitten. "My awesome girlfriend wanted to see how far my training got me! I did not disappoint."

Amity giggled, "You did not." Amity licked Luz's cheek.

The pup's ears pinned back, tail wagging furiously as it was her turn to be showered with love. Eda glided over, landing by the parrot, who, she was taller than. She pat Luz's head, grinning, "Good job Kid. You too Kitten in Boots."

"Thanks Mom!" Luz yipped, holding Amity tightly. "I know what I said and what I said is correct!"

Eda, still processing the words, fluffed up. "WHAT DID SHE SAYYY!?" Camilla yelled from the stands.

Luz stood, soft, happy whines escaping her as Amity continued to groom her fur. "Congrats, I think." The parrot pat Eda's shoulder, handing the basket. "Step-mom?"

Eda wailed, hugging Luz, wings wrapping around her and Amity, "Y-You SaId MoM!"

"Yes I did!" Luz leaned against Eda, giggling when Amity spit out a feather. "Eda, while I do miss Papa, no one can replace him, just fill the void. Papa will be happy I'm taking on another parent, and that Mama has found someone to love again. Please don't worry about me not being ready, I have been since I met you."

Barking up the wrong tree. Lumity Fanfiction AU.Where stories live. Discover now