"Hey you're the one who said it, I just kind of went with it," I said.

"I like it and I meant what I said, you are my divine move," he explained. He pulled me closer until his lips met my mine and I was embraced into his arms once again. 

I came back to the present when I heard the shuffling of feet from behind me.

"What's going on Little Uce?" I turned my head to see Jey standing there in his boxers rubbing his eye and yawning.

"Nothing much just watching the Christmas lights," I told him turning my head and resting my chin on the top of the couch staring back out the window. He joined me, sitting down on the other side pulling his right leg up under him. He put his elbow up on the top of the couch and leaned his head against his hand, as he stared at me.

"How long you've been sitting here?" he asked.

"At least an hour and a half," Rick said from the driver's seat.

"Thanks," I mumbled in Rick's direction.

"You know he's only gone for a few days, he'll be back Wednesday," Jey said.

"I know," I responded. Jey stared at me some more.

"It's not really about Roman that's bugging you. What is it?" he asked. I didn't say anything right away but he didn't push, he just sat there waiting.

"It's Monday Night Raw," I said. He hesitated for a second.

"What do you mean?"

"I haven't been too Raw in nine months and they aren't exactly fond memories I have there," I told him.

"I see now, your worried about being treated the old way, that people on Raw will still see the old version of you?"

"Yeah, I guess so," I said laying my head on my hands that rested on top of the couch and looked at him.

 "It's going to be okay Little Uce; you hold yourself to your standards and people will see the new you not what you used to be. Besides I'll be with you and so will Jimmy, Solo, and now Sami watching your back at the show," he exclaimed.

"Speaking of Sami, are you really okay with him now?" I questioned.

"I know I said a lot before but I think he is truly sincere about The Bloodline. He destroyed his best friend for the family."

"That same exact reason is why I'm still in doubt about him. He destroyed his best friend what's that to stop him from doing the same to one of us?" I asked. Jey reached forward and touched the side of my head.

"Little Uce you are worrying about too many things. Trust your brothers, trust Roman, nothing's going to break our family," he assured.

"If you say so," I said unconvinced.

"Alright that's enough," Jey said standing up then reached down grabbing my arm and pulling me up. He wrapped me in a hug and I hugged him back with my one good arm.

"Go get some sleep and stop worrying about everything," he said then pushed me off into the direction of the bedroom. I sighed before going back in. I laid down on Roman's side and finally drifted off to sleep.


Music pulled me out of the fog of sleep, blinking a few times it finally registered it was my phone and that was Roman's theme playing. I rolled across the bed to my side and grabbed my phone off the nightstand.

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