Chapter two

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Kagaya woke up with a massive headache, what happened? His vision went back to normal and he saw Muzan kneeling over him, he was wearing a bamboo muzzle, why? When Muzan saw I was awake he grabbed me and hugged me. The man from earlier came from behind a tree, "You're awake? Good."

I held Muzan close to me, "Who are you?"

"My name is Gyutaro, I am a demon slayer rank hashira in the demon slayer corps. There is a old man that lives on Mount Sagiri. He'll explain more to you."

"T-Thank you!"

"Also, don't let your cousin near sunlight."

I nodded and held Muzan closer to me, Gyutaro looked at us before zooming away with amazing speed!

Muzan and I had finished burying the rest of our family. I frowned, Muzan was the only family I had left. Muzan's parents abandoned him and left the country; so we can't go to them. I looked over to Muzan who placed a hand on my shoulder reassuringly. I smiled, no matter what it takes, I will protect Muzan. I grabbed his hand, "Let's go."

Muzan nodded and we left to where Gyutaro told us to go.
"Excuse me! Can I buy this basket from you?"

"Uh, are you sure? It's broken."

"Yes! How much for it?"

"You can have it for free."

"Free? No, I mustn't. How much for it?"

"Just take it kid."

After a while of arguing the person I asked left me and the basket alone. I looked at the broken basket, with a little bit of patching I should be able to fix it! Gyutaro said Muzan shouldn't go in sunlight so if I carry him in this basket we'll be able to travel in sunlight.

I managed to find some bamboo strips to fix the basket, "This should be good!"

I walked over to the small hole where a cave is, I left Muzan in here. "Muzan? Where are you?"

Muzan poked his head out of a small hole in the floor, did he dig this? I guess he really is afraid of the sunlight. "Here," I placed the basket in front of him. "Do you think you can fit in here?"

Muzan looked at it and crawled inside, Muzan was short for his age but he was still to big for the basket. "Oh no... Muzan? Do you think you can get smaller?"

Muzan flipped over in the basket now swinging his legs around. "Muzan? Can you even hear me? Smaller! Can you get smaller?"

I noticed Muzan get smaller and he was able to sit comfortably in the basket. "Good boy Muzan!" I patted his head, he gave me an annoyed hum in return.

I closed the basket and covered it with a piece of fabric for more protection, I put the basket on my back and fit the straps into place. Cautiously I walked outside into the sun, "Is this okay Muzan?"

I heard another hum which I assumed is a yes, I smiled happily to myself for being able to do this. Muzan wasn't that heavy compared to the wood I used to bring down and up the mountain so I had no troubles carrying him.
Muzan and I made it to the edge of Mount Sagiri, I saw some people passing by so I asked them if this was right, "Excuse me! Is this Mount Sagiri?"

"Yes it is, are you sure you wanna go up there though? Especially with that big of a load."

"I'm sure!"

"Alright... be careful, there's bin a few missing people reports up there recently."

I walked up the mountain, "I'll be careful!"
While I was walking it was night time now, so I let Muzan out. "Look! There's some light at that house so someone must be there." I held Muzan's hand until I stopped in my tracks, making Muzan bump into me and growl. "I smell something familiar... Blood!"

I ran towards the house letting go of Muzan's hand, I slammed the door open and I saw a man huddled over, was he eating a arm?! "This is... This is my territory! Get off my feeding ground!" He growled out with blood and guts slipping out of his mouth. This is the man eating demon's the old man from a few days ago was talking about!

"Wait a second... are you two human?" The man looked at me and then pounced on me. Muzan was just standing there looking at the dead bodies, was he drooling?! No time for that now, where is that hatchet I grabbed? I grabbed the hatchet and slammed it at the demon's neck.

"Ha! A hatchet?!" He looked at me and rubbed at his wound. "Not bad... but a wound like this heals in no time!"

The wound regenerated as he said that, how?! The demon pounced on me again, he's fast! And really strong! "I'm gonna snap your neck like nothing! You'll never do that again!"

Muzan seemed to snap out of his trance and he rushed over to me kicking the demon's head off. Did he just kill him?! I mean it was a demon... but then the body started attacking again. "I knew it! One of you is a demon! What is a human and a demon doing together?! How was the head still talking?! The body was attacking Muzan, "Stop!"

I tried swing my hatchet at the demon's body but the head came up and bit the sharp part of the hatchet. How did the head grow arms?! "Get off!" I swung my head back and head butted the head.

The demon was dazed for a moment which left me enough time to take the hatchet and trap the head to a tree. I rushed over to Muzan, the demon's body was kicking him over and over again. "Get off him!" I tackled the body but I realized that was a big mistake, I tackled me and the body straight down the mountain! Muzan got up and grabbed my arm before I fell. I watched the demon's body fall and make a gross splatting sound.

Muzan pulled me up and we walked back to the head. The demon was breathing heavily. I have to kill him, I pulled out a pocket knife. If I don't kill him he'll eat more people! A man grabbed my shoulder and I shot my head around, "You can't kill him with that."

I turned around, the man was wearing a mask and he looked well built for a old man. "How do I finish it off then...?"

"You look smart, what do you think will work if stabbing it won't work?"

I looked around and found a big rock, I picked it up and lifted it over my head. I stopped... Can I really do this? He's not human but he was still a human once surely... The head woke up from it's unconscious state. I turned around, I was wasting so much time that the sun came up already. I turned back around when I heard a loud scream, it was the head. He was burning! The sun burned him alive! Wait... where is Muzan?! I looked around and rushed inside.

I let out a sigh of relief when I saw his red eyes looking at me from the corner of the room. He was back in the basket. I Looked back over to the old man, he was burying the victims. "Um..."

He looked at me, "My name is Kyogai, you must be the one Gyutaro told me about."

"Y-Yes... My name is Kagaya! And my older cousin is Muzan."

He looked at me with a cold stare through the mask. "Tell me Kagaya, what will you do when your cousin eats someone?"

I looked at him with fear... what would I do? Suddenly he raised his hand and backhanded me. "You think too slowly!"

"You struggle over simple decisions!" He paused. "You could never finish off a demon before sunrise."

"Why couldn't you answer the question immediately?!" He wiped his hand off on his haori. "You are to soft."

That kind of hurt, I liked being kind. "When your cousin eats someone there is two things you will do! First kill your cousin! And then you slit your own stomach and die!" I held me cheek which still hurt.

"That is what it means to travel with your cousin who has become a demon!" He sighed. "But it is your duty to make sure that never happens, your cousin must never take a life of an innocent person."

"Do you understand?!" I looked at him toughening up my gentle face. "Yes! I understand!"

"Good. I shall train you to become a demon slayer, shoulder your cousin and follow me."

I ran back inside to grab Muzan, If this is what it takes to help Muzan I will do it. I will protect Muzan and turn him back into a human!


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