"The rooms are so little," he agreed with a grin, "but it's kinda worth the price," he squats down, placing he box down for her. He can now see further inside, "wow, you really did just move in. It's empty in here," she nods, his voice echoing off the walls, "do you have anyone else helping you with your things?" he looks at her with his hands on his waist, "if not, I'm free all day- all hours actually."

"No. My brothers are too lazy and convinced me to rent movers to help," they share a laugh at her siblings laziness, "I just had a few things in my car that I could handle myself," she goes to say, "so," his brows raising, "you don't do anything for work? How do you pay for your bills?"

Jamie replies, "I work on computers- from home. I'm kinda my own boss," hoping it'll get him brownie points.

"Fancy," she grins, "does it make you a lot of money?"

"Somewhat. If I need to sit at an upscale restaurant and eat, I can," he gloats with a grin, "I can always take you out on a date or show you the city, if your boyfriend doesn't mind."

She said, "I don't have a boyfriend. I live alone."


"Yeah. What about you?" she questions, "live alone or is there a woman in your life?"

Jamie blushes, "I live alone. I have one friend and he only sees me when he wants something. As for family, I don't really have any."


He nods, "yup. Moved to the city on my own like you."

She steps closer to him, Jamie taking in this innocent look in her eyes, "great," he tilted his head a bit, going to say something but Victoria lifted her hand up and slit his throat with the pocket knife she retrieved from the pocket of her dress, "then no one will ask questions."

Jamie cupped his hands around the opening of his throat, a few splashes of blood already on her, her dress and the plastic on the ground that she put down for this exact moment. His eyes were open wide, horror spread across his face as Victoria smiled at him.

She watched him fall to his knees before his body went crashing down to the ground. His body twitched while he tried to gasp for air, his own blood covering his hands and arms.

Victoria lifted her head towards the tiny bedroom door, calling out, "get your ass in here, Aurelio."

Aurelio shouted back through the door, "no, you just slit that mans throat. I heard it!"

She rolled her eyes at him, "can you stop being dramatic and come out here and help me wrap his body up," gritting through her teeth.

Victoria stepped over Jamie's frame as Aurelio opened the door with his hand covering his mouth. He kept hearing the sound of the knife cutting layers of Jamie's skin.

This is why he liked being a sniper.

He didn't have to be that close, and sometimes he'd get queasy over blood.

Jamie's movements slowly stopped, the life leaving his eyes. Victoria looked from the front door to see Luca traveling down the hall, "is he bitching again?"

"When isn't he," she mumbles before heading back inside the apartment, shutting the door.

Luca shook his head, taking steps inside Jamie's place on the search for his computer to search for anything against Francesco and what's there to know about Santi. He'd then wipe everything from the man's laptop before creating this cover story that Jamie was moving to a foreign country, wanting to travel to the world.

Francesco had Luca on the other end, looking through the draws, "there definitely was another copy made. We find Santi, we get the extra copy," Luca said.

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