Chapter 12- The Chamber of Secrets

Start from the beginning

"What are you talking about? I thought you and Lara would have at least been better acquainted with one another by the time I got back!" Sebastian remained silent. His head tilted toward Ominis the way a puppy would after hearing a sharp ping, but his eyes were sad and filled with regret. "What happened while I was away Sebastian?"

Sebastian rose up from his bed and sat on the side, hands clasping one another for dear life. "I've pushed her away again."


After leaving the Hufflepuff party, Elias chased after her as far as the grand staircase. She didn't tell him what had happened or why she was crying. She kept walking far enough that his voice simply stopped echoing behind her.

Eventually, Lara found herself trekking up the stairs rather than down to the common room. Her emotions took her through the one-eyed witch passageway and all the way through to the cellar of Honeydukes. Only a few knew about the passageway, so she was confident that she wouldn't be followed. She entered the cellar, unlocked then relocked Honeydukes. The square of Hogsmeade was dead, only she and the moon were awake at such an hour.

Lara walked among the highlands alone, all night long. She was not cold, nor did she bother to use her broom for travel. All she wanted to feel was her feet swell under the weight of her endless walking and any emotion other than jealousy.

Seeing Sebastian kissing, and practically feeling up, that girl from Ravenclaw made Lara feel nauseous. Right before she met with Elias he confronted her and told her not to meet with him. He presented no solid reasoning to her in that little closet. However, the way his hands snaked against her skin under her sweater weaved another story entirely. His actions these last few weeks were not solely due to the blackmailing of Augustus Caraway, Lara was sure of that. Sebastian had been more than capable of making his own choices. Choices that could have altered the outcome of the night's events.

By the time she returned to Hogwarts, the sun was kissing the horizon and Lara had completed a mental pros and cons list. That list determined whether she would continue to date Elias in order to make Sebastian jealous or not. It was not very mature of her to think in such a way, but Sebastian didn't seem to care to give her the same respect. If he wanted to play games Lara would be a fierce opponent.

Later that same day Ominis sent Lara an owl.

Dearest Lara,

I have returned from home with news of this escapade Caraway has begun. It's important I speak with you as soon as possible in the Undercroft with Sebastian. We will be waiting for you.

She read the letter and immediately made her way to the Dark Arts tower. Before entering through the celestial clock door, Lara took a very deep breath. "Just focus on Ominis." She told herself.

As his letter stated, they were already there.

"I assume that's you, Lara."

"Yes Ominis, I apologize if you've been waiting long for me."

"Not at all." She forced her gaze on Ominis as if he too could see her. She was thrilled to see Sebastian didn't look up at her at all from his corner of the room. "You may want to sit down for this."

She sat at a table on the opposite side of the room from Sebastian. "Alright then, let's hear it."

"First off, both of you should know that whatever it is you're fighting about should stop immediately. Be mature with one another, you two are friends. I won't send for this petty back and forth where I have to be the match official. So, please think about that when I tell you this."

Sebastian looked up for the first time his eyes slowly dragged over to Lara. She still refused to look at him.

"Well then, cutting right to the chase. It seems that Caraway has discovered the entrance to the Chamber of Secrets."

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