I smile and set my phone down, as soon as the flight is called. I get up, and am able to board first  since im pregnant.

I get comfortable in my seat, and get ready for takeoff.


Pedri POV

I quickly walk back out to the car and drive around towards the parking lot. As I get out of my car again, I hear someone yell my name. I turn to see Gavi running across the parking lot with his suitcase.

"She didn't suspect a thing" I smile as Gavi gets closer.

What Delaney didn't know is that Christian was throwing a surprise baby shower for her. Charles knew of course, so the plan was that I dropped her off here and then flew on the next flight after her. Only Gavi was coming with me because Ferran had to stay for another event he had.

Gavi and I walk into the airport and check in to our flight.

Delaney PoV
I finally arrive in London a few hours later. I text Charles to let him know I just arrived, and he's already waiting for me. I get off the plane and walk over to the baggage claim. As I'm looking around to find my bag, I feel an arm around me. I turn around quickly and realize it's Charles.

"I missed you so much baby!" I smile as he pulls me into his chest.
"Me too mon amour, I love you" he replies. I cup his face and kiss his lips.

We grab my luggage and begin to walk out towards the car.

"You look amazing. I'm so excited" Charles says as he kisses my stomach. I blush and smile at his reaction.
"Thanks love, I'm definitely excited to get this baby out. I've been exhausted" I laugh.
"Aww, I'm sorry" he replies.

We get into the car and drive off towards Christian's house.

"Sorry baby, Christian just texted me, if we could grab a few things from the grocery store. We'll just have to make a quick stop" Charles says. I nod, and look out the window as we now change directions.

We arrive at the grocery store, and even though I'm so tired I decide to get off. We grab a cart and begin to grab the items that Charles says we need.


By now we've been at the grocery store for almost an hour, and I'm so tired.
"Are you sure we need all of this? I want to go take a nap" I whine as we're still looking in the aisles.
"Umm yeah, we do. But okay, let's go pay and we can go home" Charles says as he rubs my back. I smile and we begin to walk towards the check out.

We walk out to the car, and Charles is being slower than ever. Taking his time with everything, or maybe it's just my pregnancy that is making me less patient.

We get into the car and I'm so tired I decide to take a nap.


When I wake up, we're still not home and it's been another hour!
"Charles, do you know where we are? It's taking so long to get there" I say confused.
"There was a lot of traffic when you were asleep" he replied.
"Oh, okay" I say and shrug it off. The GPS says we're still about 45 minutes away, so now I've been almost out for 3 hours since I arrived in London.

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