Fever Dream~ 2

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For the third time that night I had awoken from that dastardly dream, it plagued my consciousness ever since my childhood. When it happened I mean. I remember my quirk being two parts and not one, it was weird yes but that is just quirks in general.

"Hey, Shadow?"

Dark shadow was always with me the entire time. Always came out when I asked, and always helped me. Not that we have good relations. He is just the brother I can always call on and I will be that brother he can call on as well. It's just right.

"Yeah what's up?" He replied a while later after hearing the words.

"Did you also get that horrific dream? The cacophony of that night was pretty bad wasn't it?"

"Yes...I did. You know we have a shared consciousness right?

"...*sigh* I keep forgetting that apparently"

We were, well I was, no we are...

We were in a small apartment. Yes, that is the correct termination, we were in a small apartment. The best I could afford as an employed 14 year old. Of course I do have to survive out here and I have two people to feed, that is if you count the extra calorie intake my quirk requires. I am not blaming my brother so to speak but rather wish it didn't take more energy to speak with a quirk and instead just brainpower.

It's not like I am using my physical changes either, I.E my wings and talons. Well...I don't really have talons, it is more like I have sharp feathers around my wrists and ankles. They come in handy but still, calories. Food is calories. Money is food. And Money aint easy to get if you know what I mean. I once ate a rat, and then hunted a bigger squirrel to eat. A bit weird yes but it felt right.

Out of the shadows, Dark shadows began to converse.

"Hey, Toko?"

"Yeah?" I replied, kind of confuzzled at what he wanted.

"How are we still alive?"

"I don't know, we should've died a long time ago, honestly."

"I believe you, but would you believe me if I asked how longer we will be alive?"

"I would."

How long will we be alive?

It's like we are holding onto life and have a slipping grip.

Will another person come help us or will we fall to our black, shadowy deaths?

"Toko...Don't think that...you're going to fall into depression again...And when you do I do too" Dark shadow spoke again, straight from nowhere as if he was reading my thoughts.

"And? Its fucking true, man. Who knows when we will die?"


"Sorry, I am not thinking well..."

"Its fine"


(a/n: Bob)


(a/n: Depression)


(a/n: Bobette!)

Hawks POV:

Flight is a wonderful thing. I personally think everyone should experience it. It's so...free. Free from work. Free from pain, well mostly. Free from weight even. Speed limits don't exist for quirks. And best of all the view is fantastic. People should know pollution isn't a problem in the world anymore since quirks came, there was this one guy who had a good enough quirk to clean most of it up with just a variable. And then he was assassinated but then who fucking cares when you have wings.

I wonder who else can even experience this, flight! Birds must have been living damn well. Funny how people call me a chicken but hey who knows, I might smell like KFC, look like I am a mascot for KFC, and eat it forever, but I ain't no chicken! I am a hawk and not a cannibal. Fuck those guys.


I was currently on a hero mission, since I was to scope out an area for a while and do some recon. Pretty easy with my quirk, literally just send maybe ten individual feathers and listen in. Even if they are found it isn't like they will know it is me. Well except for that time but this is neither here nor there...

Honestly this is boring, I would rather go in there and fight a little. Most people don't know this but I actually like fighting when it isn't fire people. That Dabi character or Endeavor even would be a bad match for me. My feathers burn damn easily and take millions of years to regrow...In reality it is a few weeks but shit! Weeks! Weeks without flight!

A long, long, long time later I was done with my mission finally...

Did I get lost kinda?


Did I need a way to the nearest KFC?


Do I even have my phone or communicator, anything that would maybe make me not lost?

No, not at all.

I was basically lost in an apartment complex, normally I would go and fly around to get bearings but I actually wanted to talk after such a long time. So I did what any other, random, lost, hero would do. And go in the building looking for directions.

"Hi there, do you happen to know where the nearest KFC is?"

The person in question I was asking was sitting at a table by himself, obviously thinking pretty hard about something. He had a bird head with what seemed to be feathers around his wrists and head. Probably ankles as well for a good guess.

I spoke again since he didn't hear me. "Kid? You look pretty thin, okay?"

"Hm?" He answered back and looked up from the floor in the waiting room.

"Ah so I guess I didn't lose my voice! Do you know where the nearest KFC is by chance?"

"Take a left after going out the door, take a right, and then go straight for three blocks."

"Oho! So there is a KFC here. Thanks, here have my card."

After giving him that I promptly left the building, luckily no fans saw me there and I wasn't swarmed like usual. That really sucks too since it is like a wave of...humans...It sucks. What an odd day today, I got such a bad mission and met someone who looked nearly dead and as if they crawled out of a grave. Hope he calls me soon or something. That would suck if he didn't. Weird day today though.

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