I smiled brightly, "thank you I love you loads," I said standing up, kissing her head, and walking towards the door of our bedroom to turn the light off.

"I love you," she smiled, opening her arms for me to cuddle as we fell asleep.

"I love you too and I appreciate you even more," I said giving her a small squeeze before drifting off to sleep.


Lizzie and I sat in the car on the way to Wagamama for lunch with James and his wife Elice as Lizzie's hand was shaking in mine.

"Lizzie if you keep shaking like this we're going to crash," I laugh giving her hand a little squeeze.

"Sorry sorry, I'm so nervous," she said taking a deep breath in and out.

"Let's play a game," I said quickly, "my dad and I sued to play this game when I was really anxious growing up."

Lizzie nodded and turned down the music, "go on."

"It's called 'worst case scenario', you basically just tell me what the worst thing that could happen is and I counteract it with something worse until we are out of bad situations," I said, "okay you go first."

"He calls us freaks for asking for his sperm," she says.

I nod my head, "see you're a pro at this."

"Y/N my life revolves around worst-case scenarios, your go."

"He says he is infertile, and his sperm doesn't do what they're supposed to do," I said.

"His wife doesn't want to share," she followed quickly.

I giggled slightly, "he says he wants to be involved in the baby's life."

"I give birth and he takes the child away from us- he realises that he barely knows me so why would he help me- I get pregnant but then the birth doesn't go smoothly-"

"Okay Liz maybe you're a little too good at this game," I said as she parked.

"I think this game has a few flaws because I never run out of bad scenarios," she said turning to look at me.

I shook my head and laughed a little, "okay best-case scenario," I started, "he willingly helps us, and we fall pregnant soon afterwards and you have the smoothest pregnancy, birth, and we have a healthy baby," I said with a small smile.

She nodded and took a deep breath, "no you're right, it's going to be fine," she said quickly.

"Come on they're already inside," I said with a small smile, walking around the car to open the door for her.

"I'm not pregnant yet, I an open my own door," she giggled.

"Okay so maybe I just wanted to be a gentleman," I said linking my fingers with hers.

She giggled and scrunched her nose, "you are always a gentleman."

"I try," I muttered as we walked through the door of the restaurant.

I smiled and nodded in the direction of James and his wife who were sitting at the end of the restaurant.

I dropped Lizzie's hand and pulled James into a hug, "hey, how are you?"

"I'm good I'm good," he said with a smile, "you remember Ell?" he said pointing towards his wife.

"Of course," I said hugging her, "this is Lizzie my girlfriend," I said with a proud smile.

Lizzie hugged both James and Elice and sat down with me opposite them, placing her hand on my leg to face them.

"So how are you guys?" Elice asked with a kind smile.

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