This was going to be nearly impossible because I still could not shift however I am a pretty determined person.

I realized I had been running for a while now and I was completely out of breath, my feet are in immense pain, and my vision was getting blurry. Plus I had lost the wolf I was chasing.

Soon I was standing in the woods and I was looking in different directions trying to locate that wolf. I took deep breaths, trying to inhale its scent when soon I heard a stick snap in the far distance. Immediately I ran towards the noise as fast as I can, dodging trees and all the thorny bushes before I'm stopped immediately by a horrid sight.

I had managed to reach what looked like abandoned land, and I had caught up to the strange looking wolf I was searching for. I stared with wide eyes at the wolf who now laid gouged open on its side...I could see it's rub cage along with what appeared to be a collapsed lung. This had been caused by a larger wolf or possibly even a were-cat.

But the scariest part about this wasn't recent. This wolf had yes been killed, but the body had to of been about nine or ten hours old.

Meaning this death happened during the nighttime.

Another eerie part was...I noticed there was no guards around.

No one stopped me from running to the border of the territory.

I take a look back at the deceased wolf trying not to throw up at the sight of it and once I took a second look I saw even more defense wounds. This wolf had a long drawn out death, and it had almost...almost made it to the safety of the royal territory. This had to of been caused by a rogue, there was no other explanation. As I stood on the border of the territory I had to make a decision rather to turn back around and alert someone of the danger...or take a closer look at this wolf.

I stepped forward.

And just as I did I heard complete silence before seeing a large hybrid jump over me, and just as it did it knocked down the large werecat that had came out of no where trying to pounce on top of me.

And I seriously mean out of no where...this werecat had no presence, no scent, not even a rhythm of a heartbeat. Cavalier growled lowly and his eyes were dilated immensely while the hairs on his back stood up. He had managed to knock the werecat to down hard but of course this stubborn sadistic killer got right back up.

But the killer was not eyeing Cavalier in the slightest. He wanted me.

His eyes landed on me and he got ready to pounce again at a different angle dodging Cavalier's teeth at the same time.

Cavalier turned quickly using his body like a external shield for me and instead of the werecat landing a blow at my head with its large claws, it instead left a deep scratch on Cavalier. Confused on why the werecat was not trying to fight him back but attack me, Cavalier instead focused on shielding me instead of fighting the werecat head on. And honestly I wondered why, he could've easily snapped this werecat's head off.

I saw the shade on Cavalier's grey and black form turn to a darker shade and his claws hooked into the ground, I noticed this presence quite quickly...he had the same aura he had in the kitchen the day that girl tried to slap me.

I found myself backing into him unconsciously as this werecat eased closer towards me and I noticed he wasn't making any movements to stop it.

Was this his plan? To sacrifice me?

As I backed further into him, I knew I was overthinking the situation when I felt his low growls of approval. Most likely approving the fact that I was seeking his protection.

Trust me you oversized cat dog...if I could shift or take on this thing myself I would've been done so. I thought to myself with a bit of bitterness.

As the werecat got ready to strike again I felt the ground start to shake uncontrollably. I looked down and noticed a crack in the ground start to go directly towards the werecat. I tilted my head as I felt Cavalier tense up.

This wasn't him causing the crack in the ground. I looked back at the werecat before I seen the crack in the ground go under it and stop right before the ground split open and within a second the werecat was gone beneath the earth and the ground closed back together making a not very satisfying crunch noise.

I cringed turning my face away from the sight, but Cavalier was focused on one thing in the woods. I felt him shift back, not bothering to put any clothes on as he let his head fall dramatically back.

"Always taking the damn fun out of stuff," he said aggravated.

What the hell is he talking about.

"Ahh yes...of course fun for you would be getting my nephew locked away in a torture chamber and in chains for the rest of his little immortal life Vaatu." A feminine voice states as a body drops graciously out of the trees, and onto the ground.

I looked up to see who it was and my eyes widened.

Princess Jaylyn was standing less than 30 feet away from me.

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