Chapter 8: Stubborn Cat *Rewrote*

Start from the beginning

Mercury: Actually, I want to fight... her.

Mercury pointed towards Pyrrha.

Pyrrha: Me?

Glynda: Is that so? Is that alright, Miss Nikos?

Pyrrha: Yes, I'd be happy to oblige.

Jaune left the stage, removing his armor, and headed towards his team and friends, now dressed in his school clothing.

Yang: How did you do that?

Jaune: Let's just say it's a useful trick.

He smiled as he sat down next to Ren to watch Pyrrha's match against a man named Mercury Blake, who was accompanied by a green-haired girl named Emerald. Jaune had encountered them before when they seemed lost in the dorms at night. He had sensed something dangerous about them, so he kept his distance and refrained from revealing anything important when they were around.

Mercury confidently entered the arena, sizing up Pyrrha. The match began with his initial attack, but he was quickly knocked down. Recovering swiftly, he deflected Pyrrha's attack and engaged her in a series of exchanges until she eventually knocked him back with her shield. Mercury laughed as he regained his balance.

Mercury: Nice move, but you'll have to do better than that.

The fight between Pyrrha and Mercury continued, each showcasing their skills. Jaune watched attentively however, a growing concern for Blake forming in his mind as he see how Blake has been acting lately though there was anther concern on his mind which was that he couldn't shake off the feeling that Mercury and his group were up to no good.

Later, after the matches were over after Mercury forfeited, Jaune approached Yang, who was leaning against the wall.

Yang: Hey, Jaune. Great job out there!

Jaune: Thanks, Yang. Say, do you think there's something off about Mercury and his group? I've noticed them acting strangely, and it's been bothering me.

Yang: I've noticed it too, Jaune. Well in case something happens, We'll keep an eye on them.

Jaune nods as he leaves but takes a few glances back at Blake.

The next day rolled around, and not much happened besides Team RWBY being assigned to help with the setup for the dance. Team JNPR joined them in some parts, with Jaune and Yang taking care of the heavy lifting. After a tiring day, Team JNPR returned to their dorm room. Ren, Nora, and Pyrrha went to sleep, but Jaune couldn't find peace of mind. He had too much on his mind, especially worrying about Blake's well-being. Unable to sleep, Jaune decided he couldn't just watch Blake struggle alone.

He quietly left his dorm room and made his way to the library, where he found Blake sitting at a computer. Jaune entered the library and tapped her shoulder gently, causing her to jump and stumble in fear before realizing it was only Jaune.

Blake: Jaune...? What are you doing here?

Jaune: We need to talk, Blake.

Jaune guided Blake to a secluded area at the back of the library, away from prying eyes and noise.

Blake: Jaune, if you're going to tell me to stop, you may as well save your breath.

Jaune: Look, you don't need to stop completely. Ruby explained what's happening to me, so don't stop, but slow down.

Blake continued pacing with her arms crossed, visibly irritated.

Blake: I don't have the luxury to slow down.

Jaune: Once you find the information, what will you do? Rush in and attack?

Blake: If I have to, then I will.

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