Y/n's dad P.O.V:
I slowly opened the door to Jason's mansion and couldn't believe what I saw. Jason looked absolutely awful: he had bags under his eyes, he seemed skinnier from the last time we've seen each other and I felt an awful smell of alcohol inside.

"H-hello, Mr. Y/L/N" - he stuttered. I'm surprised that he actually let me in..

"Hello" - I said after a small pause. I just couldn't believe that the guy I saw was Jason. Jason McCann.

"If y-you came t-to beat me u-up, then m-may I ask you t-to come tomorrow, p-please." - he stuttered, while looking down.

"Jason, what are even talking about? Why would I beat you up?" - I asked him with confusion.

"S-she didn't t-tell you" - he said after a small pause, while looking at me.


"She d-didn't tell y-you why d-did we b-broke up?" - he finally looked up at me with his tired pitch black eyes.

"No, she didn't want to, so I wanted to hear the whole story from you, Jason" - I said. He chuckled in response, which felt sarcastic. We stood on the same place for a few moments, when suddenly I've noticed a change in his face. Even though I didn't see his full face, I could guess that he was on the verge of tears... what??

"Jason, what happened? Why are you like this, son?" - I came closer to him and put my hand on his shoulder. As soon as I approached him, I scrunched my face from the strong smell of alcohol from him.

"Oh, God. How much did you drink?" - I asked him.

He looked at me for a moment with lost eyes and then suddenly hugged me tightly and broke in tears.

I hugged him back and patted his back in a comforting way.

"It's okay, Jason. Tell me what happened?" - I quietly asked him.

I actually felt bad for him. Knowing his life story, how he got himself in this place - the most wanted criminal in the world and on and on.. I had much respect for him and for the months we've seen each other and talked, he actually was like my own son and I was like a father to him, which he didn't really have.

Jason continued to cry in my shoulder, while I tried to comfort him.

"Son, let's have some soothing tea, yeah?" - I slowly pulled away from him and looked at him with sympathy.

Jason slowly nodded and started to walk towards the kitchen, while I felt him almost tripping and falling. I reacted right away and held him, so, we walked together.


"So, what happened?" - I carefully asked, not wanting him to break down again. We've taken a few sips of the tea and it should have already worked. I studied Jason for a moment and it seemed like he calmed down.

"Mr Y/L/N-" - I cut him off.

"Call me James" - he looked at me and then grimaced.

"I-I don't think that I have the right to call you this way, especially after we broke up" - he mumbled and looked at his tea. My eyebrow raised after his response. He didn't do what I'm thinking of right now, right?

"Did you cheat on her?" - I quickly asked.

"No, no, no. I would never" - he swiftly responded and immediately looked into my eyes. He wasn't lying.

"I think you know what kind of guy I was before ever getting associated with Y/n, right?" - he asked with crack in his voice.

"Well, yeah." - I slowly said. I knew that Jason lost his way and became interested only in one night stands. Trust me, if I wouldn't have researched enough him, then he wouldn't be anywhere near my daughter.

"When I first noticed her in the cafeteria, I knew I fell in love with her." - he took a small pause. "Deeply." - he continued. "I didn't have any awful thoughts about her cause I knew that she's of a different unique kind." - he sighed and run his hand through his hair.

"One night I went to the club with my gang and they tried to bet me... by... b-by having h-her." - I slightly frowned at him. "But, but I refused right away and quickly exited the place because I was absolutely devastated and angry at them." - he quickly added.

"I didn't bet on her and I never lied when I said that I love her" - he looked up at me with teary eyes. I felt my heart breaking at the sight. I looked at him with sympathy and then moved my gaze down. I felt sorry for him because I saw myself.

"Everything went absolutely perfect between us. I knew that I loved her with everything I have and maybe I knew that I love her a little too soon... I mean... I think that... s-she's my first serious r-relationship in m-my entire life. She became my everything." - his voice cracked again. Damn it, it hurt me to hear that. He definitely love her.

"And in one moment everything disappeared. Like by the snap of the finger." - he stared in space with glossy eyes.

"Why?" - I nearly whispered. He looked up at me.

"Because my so called 'friends' didn't realize that I was serious about her and one day they were like 'Dude, didn't take you long!' 'What about our bet?'" - he said with irritation and angriness in his voice.

"And of course she didn't let me explain myself and, I guess, we broke up." - he held his head in his hands.

"I tried calling and texting her. I never gave up. One day she finally came to visit me. We, kind of, made up and decided to start over as friends. But I think you can understand me that it's impossible to be friends with someone for whom you have feelings. And I was very impatient and absolutely jealous."

"Jealous?" - I asked.

"That prick always has to be everywhere and whenever we are together" - I noticed him clenching his jaw and fists.

"Who?" - I asked in confusion.

"Kyle" - he said through gritted teeth. Oh.

"I can't stand seeing her with other guys, James. I just can't. It hurts me, knowing how I screwed up. Just the thought of her being with somebody else besides me or seeing how Kyle always has to touch her- I-It drives me nuts, I just want to b-beat him up, he know what he's doing."

"Hey, I know Kyle, they've been friends for years. I know how you feel, Jason. Trust me, I do. I had a similar thing with Y/n's mother." - I sighed in the end.

"Really?" - he asked me with surprised look upon his face.

"Yeah" - I chuckled.

"Thank you for telling me everything in details. I truly appreciate your honesty, son. I'll give you  an advice: try to control your emotions near her, okay? Just don't pressure her into anything, she doesn't like that. Try to take things slower with her. You know how she is and don't worry about Kyle, Y/n doesn't like him in that way, trust me. And also, try to be a better version for the both of you, restart looking after yourself, gain some patience and calmness. And when she'll start seeing your changes, she'll see you in a very different light." - I told him and patted his arm.

"Thank you. I hope you don't hold any anger towards me, James" - he tiredly said and looked into my eyes. Poor guy.

"No, I don't. Also, I'll talk with Y/n." - I said, while getting up.

"And quit this thing, Jason. It won't take you anywhere great." - I said, while moving my finger around the empty bottles around the room.

Jason got up and slowly walked up to me. He hugged me, which made me hug him back and pat his back.

"Thank you so much, James" - he mumbled.

"No problems, son. If you'll need any help then just call me and I'll be ready to help you with anything." - I said back smiling.

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