Now Luke was doing the same for the future heroes

Luke found the tracking beams but this time......



Luke turns around he knew that voice anywhere

And knew....

......who it was

Luke: So you are alive

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Luke: So you are alive. How did you survive?

My boy.....the dark side of the force is a pathway to many abilities some considered to be natural.

Luke: You are too late. The war has only begun. The resistance is reborn. Ben Solo....has returned.

Like your father. But your sister's sacrifice is in vein. For the not who she seems.

Luke: Maybe not. But you....will not corrupt her.

So you know.

Luke: I sensed it when I saw her. But she doesn't know. And she will not summit to darkness as you do.

It matters not. SHE is only the key to the rebirth of the Sith. And the end of the Jedi.

Luke: I doubt that.

Luke grabbed the handles and deactivated the tracker beams

The voice didn't speak anymore and then more Stormtroopers came his way

And Luke fought them off as he did those before them

But back with the others Ben drew the First Order troops attention giving the others the cover they need to retreat to the Falcon

But back with the others Ben drew the First Order troops attention giving the others the cover they need to retreat to the Falcon

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But then the firing stopped confusing Ben enough to lower his crimson lightsaber

He was then a familiar First Order officer familiar only to him

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