Flesh and Bone | Chapter 4

Start from the beginning

Wyatt stepped forward to stand beside Willow.

"How can we be trespassing on our own land?" Wyatt asked.

"This is werewolf territory!" Willa exclaimed.

"I don't know anything about that." The guy in the suit said.

"We can take them." Willow said, and all the wolves growled and snarled.

Willow: Hear it getting louder
A call for revolution yeah
We came for what was ours
It's time fro restitution
We'll protect our own
Take back the stone
No human nature cannot hold us down

Willow danced with two other werewolves, while Willa, Wyatt, and Wytnter dispersed. Willow bent down and a werewolf jumped over her.

Wyatt: Stranded at the bottom
But we're more than a whisper
No, we'll never be forgotten
Our blood's thicker than silver
When worlds collide it's do or die
So tell me, is it wrong to stand your ground?

Wyatt stepped forward and a werewolf used him to jump over him.

Werewolves: Here us howl
All or nothing
Fangs are out We ain't running
Here us howl it's all or nothing

The wolves went around in circles before Willow lead them in a  dance, with Willa and Wyatt flanking her,

Werewolves: Oooooooh
This is a declaration
Of a new generation
It's now or never
We're in this together
We'll fight through the high and the lows
No we won't break
We're more than flesh and bone

"Arrest them!" The guy in the suit yelled, and officers sprayed white smoke towards the wolves who started coughing. "Colloidal silver. That'll tame those beasts."

"Demo time. Everybody clear out." Another guy said.

"I failed you." Willow said as they got cuffed. "They'll destroy the moonstone. They'll destroy us."

"No!" a voice yelled and everyone turned to see the entirety of Seabrook, with one person leading them.

"Addison?" the two guys and Willow questioned. The two guys had a look of shock and Willow and a smile on her face.

Addison: The world has gone crazy
And no one seems to listen
Gotta step in no more maybes
And stop the demolition
Is it hope or fear look in the mirror
Everything we've built is coming down.

Addison danced with the cheerleaders, who dispersed and made room for the zombies.

Eliza: No more hesitation
It's time we start to realize
With all this separation
Silence is still taking sides
So use your voice make a choice
And tell me are you standing with the crowd?

Eliza danced with the zombies, and Addison and Bree joined her in the front of the cheerleaders and zombies.

All: Ooooooh
This is a declaration
Of a new generation
It's now or never
We're in this together
We'll fight through the highs and the lows
No we won't break
We're more than flesh and bone

Bonzo opened up a water pipe, which caused water to rain down on the dancers.

All: We say no more bad blood
No more bad blood
No way they can't stop us
No they can't stop us
We say no more bad blood
No more bad blood
No way
They can't stop us
No they can't stop us

Zed then stepped forward out of the crowd and looked at Addison in sadness.

Zed: History changes
But we lost the pages we wrote
When you lose direction can't see the reflection
You know
We came from the bottom
Then became the problem
Now everything's out of control
So, he, are you with me?
Let's go!

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