"Hey I'm not here to drink, I'm supervising." Sero claimed.

    "I'm only here because blondy tricked me and invited me first, as more people showed up and I got tispier I was too lazy to leave..." Shinso growled drunkenly.

    "Gonna be honest I don't even know why I'm here..." Shoto huffed out in monotone, but he knows damn well Eijiro begged him to come over text. He wanted to get closer to his boys and this was a great way to do it: making sure all three of them were there. He did miss them during the work studies so he needed to catch up.

    "What about you, shitty hair?"

    "I don't know why you're surprised, beer is super manly after all! Also because Mina said I should come, she wanted me to have 'bro' time." Kaminari laughed at Eijiro, making the latter crush his empty can and throwing it at the blonde.

    "The group will get even better, I invited Midoriya too!" Shinso spit out his drink hearing Kaminari's words.

    "You know damn well Deku won't drink beer." Katsuki scoffed.

    "Well even if he doesn't this will still be a fun guys night!"

As Kastuki sat himself down on the floor, there was a gentle knock on the door. Kaminari shot up knowing who it was and ran to the door, throwing it open to the greenette standing there nervously.

    "MIDORIYA! COME IN!" Kaminari yelled, now sounding drunker than earlier.

    "W-Wow, w-what a p-party..." Izuku stuttered in nerves as he watched Shinso hand Katsuki a beer.

    "We're just having a guys night, join us!" Eijiro yelled with a big friendly smile, which made Izuku calm down a bit.

    "You don't have to drink if you don't want to, Midoriya. Todoroki and I aren't." Sero said with a smile as he scooted on the bed, inviting the green-haired boy to sit next to him just nearly above Katsuki.

    "N-No its fine... I've n-never tried beer, so- can I have one?"

    "Yea totally!" Kaminari replied, almost stumbling over trying to get Izuku a beer.

    "How did you morons even get these?" Katsuki grumbled.

    "Shinso knows some UA alumns from when he was in general studies, so I asked him to see if we could get any from them." Kaminari replied.

    "Wow Shinso, how do you know such older alumni? Don't you have to be like 20 years old to buy alcohol?" Izuku asked curiously.

    "In general studies we had a lot of alumni come to talk to our class about career paths after UA and a lot of them took an interest in me, so I have a lot of contacts."

    "Wow that's so cool!" Izuku replied.

    "So how was your guys' work study with The Lurkers?" Eijiro asked.

As Sero, Kaminari, and Shinso talked about their work study, everyone was getting drunker and drunker. Katsuki was going for his second beer as he didn't feel a single thing yet, seeming to be a heavyweight drinker. Izuku was barely done with his first beer, hating the taste but staying social with the group. However, Izuku was finding out he was a huge lightweight. He was already tipsy and on the verge of drunk after one drink. Kaminari was on his fourth absolutely fucking wasted, and Shinso was on the verge of stumbling across his words after only three drinks. Sero was laughing hard at the drunken state of his friends and Shoto was just listening to conversation, taking a sip here and there from Eijiro's drinks, whom was on his sixth. Another heavyweight, he and his best friend have that in common.

As Izuku was handed another beer by Kaminari, he grasping it quickly and opened it without a thought, making Katsuki worry a bit for his boy. Halfway through the greenette's second drink and he was practically gone, not black out but he was saying things that didn't make sense and cracking jokes like you wouldn't believe. Eventually, Katsuki gave Shoto a glance as to say 'take him back to his room' and Shoto immediately understood.

    "Hey Izuku, why don't we lay you down in your own room next door?" Shoto grunted out as he picked up the drunken boy.

    "No no I'm totally fine." Izuku slurred.

    "Yea I'm gonna agree with Todoroki here, you're probably done for the night bro." Eijiro chimed in.

Without protest, Izuku was carried out of the party and to his own room next door. Shoto laid the boy onto his bed, turning him to the side just in case. He may have not been a drinker, but he was still inquisitive enough to know not to allow him to sleep on his back. It was pitch black in his room as Shoto didn't flip the switch on when coming in.

    "Are you okay here on your own, Izuku?" Shoto asked as he brushed the bangs out of his eyes, just in a friendly manner and nothing more. But to the drunken Izuku, it reminded him of someone else.

    "Mmmm Katsuki stay here with me..." Izuku mumbled with his eyes closed.

    "But I'm not-" Right before Shoto could get the words out, Izuku sat up and grabbed his cheeks, interlocking his lips with the heterochromatic boy in front of him. Shoto's eyes stayed wide open, he was in shock. He quickly and gently pushed the drunk boy off of him and wiped his mouth. "Izuku I'm not Katsuki! Open your eyes!" He pleaded.

    "You're my boyfriend!" Izuku said playfully and childishly as he grabbed Shoto's neck and pulled him closer, locking their lips again. The heterochromatic boy tried to squeeze his lips shut but Izuku tried to lick them open again. Shoto's mind immediately raced to Katsuki as he shoved the drunk boy off again and used his ice to restrain his right arm to the bed frame shelf above him temporarily as he frantically texted Katsuki.

Half and Half: Get in here now! It's urgent!

Katsuki felt his phone buzz and checked the text, immediately jumping up and saying goodbye to the boys.

    "It's been fun but I gotta go losers, seeya." He growled as Eijiro stood up too, but much calmer.

    "Kaminari this was so fun dude, but I'm gonna go too, I think I drank too much." Eijiro said as he calmly started towards the closing door in front of him.

    "I don't think either of them will remember you guys leaving so I'll tell them!" Sero replied as he waved to his red-head friend.

Soon enough, Katsuki snuck into Izuku's room quietly as to not hint to the sober boy in the other room that he was next door.

    "What the hell is going on!" Katsuki yelled in a whisper. Soon enough Eijiro was behind him, quietly shutting the door without a sound.

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