Chapter- 1

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Inside a small apartment a 18 years old boy dressed in a blue jeans and a white shirt, was hurrying out of his apartment , one hand holding his bag and other had a piece of bread which he occasionally took some bites of and was continuously tapping his foot to fit his already laced shoes.

Finally he ran outside hanging his bag and stuffing his mouth with the rest bits of bread towards the bus stand to reach his destination but not before spraying moonflower scent to hide his smell. Well being an omega it was really hard to be safe while being unmated. Although he was strong but still 'Prevention is better than cure'.

After getting off the bus, he stretched his arms and then entered the cafe, as soon as he entered the bell chimed and his friend, Fluke also the owner of this cafe named as 'Moonlight cafe' hugged his friend welcoming him to start a new day.

Well they have been friends for more than five years. Both are orphan and omegas so they  became friends quite easily. Both saved money by working different part time jobs for opening their own cafe where both of them can bake their own desserts.

When Fluke pulled away from hug he bombarded his friend with questions "When did you reach home? Why didn't you call? You know I was so worried about you. I don't know when will you get your mate"

"Sorry father for forgetting to reply you my battery was dead. By the way you know right I am strong enough to kick some a$$. So just chill" Both of them bursted into fits of laughter after hearing Prem's dramatic reply.

"And yah why didn't you still introduce your mate to me? Did you forget me?? " Prem fake cried out. "Ohh c'mon you dramatic monkey we just met one week ago, wait I'll tell him to come today at our cafe we can have dinner together. "

"Nah, I don't wanna be a third wheel... " he didn't even get to finish his sentence when Fluke chimed "well Ohm won't come alone, he will be bringing his brother with him so you won't be third wheeling, now just shut up and let's start our work"

And both of them started working not before Fluke getting a reply as 'okiee boss'.

Prem mostly dogded the question related to mates because he was afraid to be rejected by his mate. He too wanted a mate who will love him like the most important person in the world, rely on him. He was just waiting for the perfect day.

So this is a regular day in Prem's life.

Some where in other part of the city

A  tall, handsome trueblood woke up by the horrible sound of alarm. After coming out of bathroom, dressing up in a full black fit he was ready for his work. Not before having breakfast with his family. Well this was the rule of Boun's family that they need to have breakfast together and dinner together.

Boun lived with his alpha father,alpha step mom, alpha step brother. Where his father and step mom always loved his brother but never stopped themselves from making him feel like a shit or burden. Only his big brother, Ohm, loved him and cared for him the most, who recently found a mate too.

Well he may be the most rude person for the outside world but he still respects his family and by heart was like a small child waiting for care and peace.

Finally he went towards the dining table and sat near his brother who hugged him in the process not before wishing him a good morning. Both of them smiled towards their parents, but unfortunately he was ignored by both of them.

Boun worked as a CEO and his brother as a Co- CEO, which was basically one of the main reasons for his step mom's hatred towards him. Ohm was never interested in the CEO post so he himself offered the position to Boun, also all the board directors were happy with the decision because Boun was always the best choice. So their father too couldn't stop Boun.

After taking seats in the CEO room, Ohm started talking "Well bro, I need you by my side today. I am going to have dinner with my mate, Fluke and he is coming with his friend so yeah. I too wanna take you with me to introduce both of you"

"I don't know if I can go you know right that I have work, why don't you go and enjoy. By the way we can't miss dinner right. " But grinned after hearing the reply.

"Well mom and dad both are going for a vacation for a week. So we will go pick them up and have dinner together". " But wait his friend is... " before he could complete Ohm hesitated but still completed the sentence "is an omega".

" Well this is a big no, I am not going. Bye bye, you may leave ". He knows that his brother is not gonna force him for the stupid dinner.But oh boy how wrong he was when Ohm pulled out his last blackmailing card " Do you hate my mate too , he also is an omega. So should I reject him. You aren't happy for me. If you are then you'll be coming.... Ohh well I know my baby brother is happy for me so yes you are coming. I will be waiting at the parking area at evening sharp 6 pm. Be ready. Bye bye" after finishing the whole lecture he immediately left.

Boun sighed looking towards the door from where his brother left. He was just hoping that he too gets a mate, who is not an omega,whom he can love from the core of his heart, where he can get the love and peace he had been searching for.

Finally the day came to an end and he was leaving with his brother for the dinner.

What he didn't know was that he will be getting peace from an omega too ... Let's see how they gonna react towards each other.

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