"I dont understand, Why would you pretend to be Ophelia?" Y/N asks.

"I wasnt attracting any customers due to this dinky old place not being as flashy as that old lady's shop. If you're curious," She pulls out several bags of strange red liquid. "then i sell different types of bloo-"

Before Cassidy can finish her sentence, a hand is slapped over her mouth. "C-Cranberry juice! She sells Cranberry juice!!" Y/N exclaims with a nervous chuckle. "Klee doesnt understand... Why doesnt anyone wanna buy Ms. Cassidy's Cranberry juice?"

Y/N side-eyes Cassidy as if to say: "She's a child so come up with a good excuse".

"Well, uhm. so some people dont really wanna buy my Cranberry juice since its poiiisoooonnnn.... so y-yeahhh..." Cassidy says as
Y/N slowly takes the hand of her face. Y/N nods approvingly as Klee nods undertsandingly. "Oh okay! so you poison the really mean and bad guys right?" Cassidy nods.

"Klee, I think its time we go to actually get your bomb materials."

"Oh, Okay Mr. Albedo!!" Klee grins. Y/N taps on Albedo's shoulder, "Hey, Albedo. Im gonna stay behind for a little while so dont wait up, 'kay?" Albedo nods and heads out of the store with Klee.

She turns to Cassidy. "So, Trying to earn a living? 10th Fatui Harbinger?"

Cassidy chuckles. "Oh, Y/N... you never change do you? Also, I dont go by that name anymore. That title is gone along with my career."

"Why are you even selling blood anyways? dont you need that to live or something?" Y/N raises a brow. "I have a whole stock of blood in my storage room, why not give some awag to some dumb passerbyes? Also, even if im not a Harbinger anymore; the fatui still have a use for me. They use my blood to heal some injured sodiers or something like that..."

"Seriously Cass'? You still do business with them?" Cassidy chuckles. "How else would i mame money? write Archon x reader fanfiction?"

"Oh, fine you have a point."

"Actually, Explain to me why you kindaaaa knew Albedo's name?"

"Oh, the old lady told me so i could tell him about her relocation."

"huh, makes sense."

"So, You married to him?"

"Wha- No! i take care of his little sister you idiot!!"

"Haha~ N/N is blushinggg~ Anyways, You should probably go back to that blond dude."

"Ah, you're right. Cya around, Cass."

"Dont look for me, N/N."


"Im back! sorry i took so long!"
Y/N exclaims while running towards the two blonds. "Ms. Y/N is back! Klee missed you!" Klee says in glee that you were back. "Aww, i missed you too, Klee." The Dendro-user pats Klee's head with a sweet smile. "Ah, Y/N. Me and Klee had just finished getting all the materials. We were also about to go home."

"Oh! well then, let me accompany you!"

Albedo, Klee, and Y/N start to walk again. The sun is setting and the orange hue of the light makes a beautiful scene. It reflects off Y/N face, further enhancing her beauty. (yall are beautiful and you cant disagree)

Once the trio reaches their stop Klee is the first to rush inside.

"Hey Albedo, We should go out for drinks! consider it a thank you for inviting me to go with you today!" Y/N grins as Albedo stares at her in a little surprise at her sudden suggestion.

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