"It's not over."  Y/N thought as he landed back near Stelle he was immediately hugged by the girl.

"I was worried," Stelle said in a hushed tone.

"I'm sorry for making you worry but I'm okay right," Y/N reassured the girl.

Before they could get stuck in their world the Doomsday Beast manage to get back.

Letting go of Stelle Y/N rushed towards DB and punch it in the hand but he didn't know the beast had used his claw to attack him.

Y/N was sent flying to the wall while Stelle shouted his name.

Taking the chance the beast fired a powerful beam towards March.

March was almost hit but Stelle had moved in to protect her.

The stellaron inside Stelle's body started reacting and absorbing the DB's beam and a burst emerge from Stelle and incinerated half the beast's body.

Her body was overwhelmed by the stellaron as she started floating and almost destroyed her body if not for a cane tapping her head and stopping the stellaron inside her.

Stelle started falling before she could hit the ground Y/N caught her in his arm hugging her tight. While Y/N was holding Stelle he saw the person who saved Stelle.

Before he started speaking to the man he noticed that DB was still alive seeing it still alive Y/N hand Stelle to March

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Before he started speaking to the man he noticed that DB was still alive seeing it still alive Y/N hand Stelle to March.

March grabs Stelle and looks at Y/N "Where are you going?" March asked.

"Finishing it," Y/N replied before running towards the Doomsday Beast and while running Y/N puts his hand towards his left side the right on top and the left on the bottom.

The doomsday beast noticed Y/N rushing towards it and fire a barrage of small beams but Y/N merely dodged them all "KA...ME..." Y/N said while still running toward the beast.

"What is he trying to do?" Dan Heng said seeing him rushing towards the DB and uttering those strange words.

A ball of energy started appearing at his arm Y/N cupped the energy and jump towards the beast "HA...ME..." Y/N said while in the air.

The beast in a last desperate attempt to stop Y/N fired a huge fireball toward Y/N, and the ball of energy in Y/N hand starts getting bigger and more powerful.

Seeing the fireball Y/N dodges in mid-air and put his two palm forward and release the power of the ball.

"HAAAAA!!!" Y/N shouted before a massive powerful beam engulfed the Doomsday Beast and killed it.

Y/N landed on the hanger before deactivating Ultra Instinct and turns around to many looks of surprise he sighed there was a lot of explaining to do he thought

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Y/N landed on the hanger before deactivating Ultra Instinct and turns around to many looks of surprise he sighed there was a lot of explaining to do he thought.

"What are you?" Dan Heng asked.

"I'll explain everything when Stelle wakes up," Y/N said.

Dan Heng nodded and Y/N looks at the person who saved Stelle "What's your name?" he asked the man smiled and said, "My name is Welt Yang."

Y/N nods and grabs Stelle from March and went to the infirmary while everyone follows from behind Y/N held Stelle gently as he walk before he looks down at her "I'm sorry for not being able to protect you this time."


Stelle opens her eyes and the first thing she sees is a white ceiling before feeling someone holding her hand tight.

She looks down at her hand and saw Y/N sleeping while holding her hand tightly. Stelle smiles and lowers her face to his and kisses his cheek.

"Thank you for protecting me."

"My hero."


She snapped her head towards the sound and saw March holding a camera and taking a picture of her kissing Y/N "This will make a good picture in the Stelle x Y/N album." March said,

Stelle blushed in embarrassment and hid herself in her blanket.

She noticed she was still holding Y/N and decided to move her head toward his hand and closed her eye and smiles softly before deciding to sleep for a while forgetting March who was still taking pictures of them together.


So here's the chapter but a bit shorter because i was busy with group projects and homework this chapter is a bit shorter than the usual one.

So how was the fight scene it was first time doing hope it was not too bad.

so anyways I'll see you potatoes next time


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