⎯⎯ ୨ Chapter eight ୧ ⎯⎯

Start from the beginning

"So your a maid?" The gigantic woman spoke, her voice deep and harsh

"Uhuh" Lucy managed to mutter.

"I assume your here From the add master placed in the paper" the maid spoke, before suddenly the ground started to break once more.

"Oioioi, did I hear someone say master?" A man spoke appearing from the ground. He wore a black suite, with a rose placed on. His facial expression evil like, playing with his mustache with one hand

Lucy looked towards the man while thinking 'more like monster..'

The man looked towards Lucy, examining her. "Let's see..."

Lucy put a hand on her cheek uncomfortably. "Well i hope you like what you see" Lucy said, trying to act calm

The man, who appears to be duke everlue looked at Lucy with distaste. Making Lucy smile forcefully.

Suddenly, the man turned away. "I'll pass, now scram ugly" the man spoke, hurtfully

Upon hearing this, Lucy became annoyed. His words repeated in her head.

Duke everlue's maid picked Lucy up by her dress
"You heard the master, get going ugly"

Sending another hurtful feeling to Lucy.

"I'm sorry, but a man of my standing has certain standards to uphold." The man spoke, the ground behind him breaking, and from the cracks came 4 more horrific looking maids.

"That's why I only higher the fairest of the fair" the man ended his reasoning

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"That's why I only higher the fairest of the fair" the man ended his reasoning.

"Huh?!" Lucy said in disbelief and confusion.

"Aw, your the best master" one made spoke

"I've never met such a kind hearted man"

"I think your the sweetest guy alive"

"Why don't you run along home ugly" one maid spoke, directly to Lucy.

Having another jab to the poor blondes heart. Before the maids and the master once more disappeared into the ground letting Lucy fall to the ground.

Lucy sits underneath a tree sobbing, while natsu and happy looked at the blonde annoyed.

"Just couldn't do it huh?" Natsu said, not intended to hurt the blondes feelings.

Lucy who heard this started shouting towards natsu "I tried! But that idiot wouldn't know beauty if it bit him in the behind!!"

Happy only hummed towards the girl before the girl put her head in her knees once more crying.

"Alright, looks like we'll have to go to good old plan T" natsu said getting fired up.

Lucy stood up "YEAH! That big old man won't know what hit him" before suddenly realising she had no clue what plan T was.

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