security cams 📽

Start from the beginning

Br- well because if it was my "lover girl" asking then hell yeah im made out of money tf. Ofc ima spoil her

Lr- then have a good heart and spoil your sister

Br- no

Lr- pierson please tell him to give us a shopping spree

P- what do you mean??

Lr- your his lover girl

P- "lover girl"? really? I never knew that. You guys said we were just friends remmber?

S- piersooonnn

P- no, but im pretty sure whoever his "lover girl" is must be pretty lucky

She smiled

Br- if you want a shopping spree so bad them make me and a special someone be a married couple again


Lh- lexi hes bribing you

Lr- ohh yeah true nvm

P- thanks a lot lh

Lh- np

She winked and pierson rolled her eyes

S- this is pointless im going back outside its too hot to stay in here anyways

Lr- me too espically because there is no shopping spree

P- maybe let us be a thing again and you'll get one

Lr- i don't need one that badly, my wardrobe can last until my birthday for an update

Everyone left except for brent and pierson

P- im sorry about what happend outside

Br- what are you talking about?

P- when i dropped the class and yk and also they grey pants

Br- its fine i don't really care besides it showed andrew who's the real goat

Pierson giggled

P- mhm

Br- anyways  in the most friendly way possible you look beautiful in your bathing suit

P- in the most friendly way posible thank you

They looked at eachother

P- brent.... we can't

Br- they are not even here a little kiss wouldn't hurt anybody

P- knowing the girls they probaly have camras spying on us

Br- please

P- no, your so needy all the time

Br- not true

She looked at him

Br- maybe just a bit but still

P- just wait until 1:00am

Br- why wait when we can kiss right now

P- because...

Br- because what?

P- idk

Br- then why cant you kiss me?

P- what happends if we get cought

Br- well we will only get cought if you keep on talking and dont kiss me

P- Im not kissing you

Br- ugh okay

P- but do you want to meet up in our old room?

Br- okay good with me

They smiled

P- tell me about this "lover girl" of yours. According to you and lexis description she does sound pretty spoild

she nudged him

Br- yep spoild indeed but you know i only want the best for my "lover girl"

P- whoever she is i ship

Br- thanks I'll make sure to tell her that



P- see i told you they had camras

Br- whatever, but lets talk about the bigger picture here

P- what?

Br- she litterly said fondle who the hell says fondle like girl..

P- why are you so upset about her useing the word "fondle"

Br- because its weird no one says fondle anymore like the only way i think a person could use that in a sentence is if they said "aye mate no fondleing in my room yea"

P- okay i do admit that it does sound a little weird but lets go before they suspect something

Br- even tho im pretty sure that they already do

They went into the backyard

A- what was going on guys???

Br- nothing

Lr- mhm not any

She made kissing sounds

P&br- no!

Lh- yall seem a little red

P- lies

S- yeah whats going on?

Br- nothing

Lr- i dont believe them security cams it is!

They all went back inside

Sorry for posting so late i was very busy all day to day.


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