The look of determination in his eyes made me shiver, as he walked over to me and asked if I was safe. I felt scared and alone in my apartment with this crazed man, who had just thrown away my former lover. Katelyn then vowed to James that she would never be the person who would let him down, and that she would always be the one who stands by him and gives him what he deserved.

Regardless of the challenges that come in our way, I will never give up on us. There was a conflict in my head: one part of me wanted to put my faith in Damien, although the other part was full of doubt. Caught with loyalty and mistrust, I tried to believe in him again after everything we had gone through.

Each second was a test, as I tried to rely on him, but unfortunately, my past reminded me of how unreliable faith could be. I was fuming when I spotted James at the entrance of Walmart. His presence made me so mad, and he had no authorization to appear after Damien's caution.

As I moved towards him, I clenched my fists so hard that my knuckles became pale in fury. "The sound of my voice reverberated throughout the store as I confronted him, demanding to know what his intentions were. A fire of rage ignited within me, burning more intensely than ever before, as I unleashed my wrath of him.

'You had no right to show up to my apartment without warning,' I shouted, 'and Damien was justified in his actions!' James, don't deceive yourself - you know what you did. When you marry me, you make enemies of everyone around you. Our marriage is now over, leaving you with nothing but excuses.

However, I never revealed why I had to flee because of how you would force me into submission. You were too embarrassed to confront the truth. Instead, you blamed someone else. Katelyn's eyes were filled with hatred, as she accused him.

'Do you think I am the cause for the failure of our marriage? You are the ones who pushed him, yet I am the one who is blamed? No way! How can you be delusional?

I have had enough attempts to shift my blame away from yourself. You were the ones who chose to lay a hand on me! This last time was the final straw for me.'

James glared at Katelyn with a cold fury, his voice icy and full of rage. "And now that I am in love with someone else, you want nothing more than to destroy it, but not if I have any say in it! Let me make this abundantly clear: our marriage is complete. I do not love you anymore. Don't pretend that it's not true."

Katelyn knew the truth within her heart but was unable to respond; the tears streaming down her cheeks served as her only escape from the pain and anguish he had inflicted on her. She knew what was coming and braced for the worst. Katelyn was aware of all the eyes that were watching in judgement but was relieved to see Damien walk away.

My heart raced as I ran through the checkout line, desperately trying to escape any signs of James. Peeking out of every corner of my eye, I searched for any trace of him, but thankfully he was nowhere to be seen. With a deep sigh of relief, I returned to my apartment, where Damien was waiting for me outside.

As I unlocked my front door, the shock of my confrontation with James hit me like a ton of bricks. Fury flooded my veins, as I remembered his words--that I was making a mistake by leaving him for Damien. I fired back, telling him that Damien was far more of a man than he ever could be and that if he dared to contact me again, the consequences would not be pleasant.

His face was contorted in anger, and he spated out a warning toward Damien. As I began to break away from his grip, fear and adrenaline raced. Using all of my strengths, I yanked my arms away.

His response was a cold, sinister gaze and a curt reply: "We'll see about that." Terror overwhelmed me as I ran away, knowing fully well that this was far from the last time we would face each other. Katelyn's voice shook with desperation as her hands grasped Damien's shoulders.

"Please, Damien, tell me you're not going to do something that will get you in trouble?" His silence spoke volumes, and Katelyn looked into his eyes, desperately trying to extract truth. She knew what he was about to do and braced for the worst.

Katelyn's pulse raced as her mind whirled, desperately attempting to fathom what Damien had in the store. “No matter what you’re considering doing,” she pleaded, her words full of urgency and desperation, “please don’t.” Katelyn's eyes widened as she fixed her gaze at Damien, her voice carrying a note of disappointment.

He had not heeded her words, but now, it may have been too late. With a firm grip on his face, Katelyn peered into his eyes and growled, “Can you see me? Well then hear me out: nothing will happen to me; I’m here and I’m not leaving.”

An unmistakable aura of danger lingers in her voice, making the Damien quiver. Damien, before you I thought I could never love again; life without you was suffocating and dismal. However, you came along, and I experienced something fresh - something daring and vibrant–though our path began with a struggle.

You changed my world, Damien. Despite the intensity of my sorrow, your glow burned away the darkness that had been cloaking me for so long. With you, I found courage to open my heart again to the bliss of love.

Damien pulled me in, and the moment I looked up his eyes were so captivating that a sudden craving filled me. I shut my eyes and met his lips with passion that I had never experienced before. Katelyn: What do you want? I took a step back and responded, and I want all of you here and now.

His eyes had a burning desire, as we locked them. Slowly, I removed my clothing until I was bare facing him. Katelyn, God, you look so exquisite.

As I stepped closer, he forcefully grabbed me and pulled me into his tight hugs. We tumbled towards the bed, and our lips met in a passionate, fiery kiss that sparked a passionate connection. He pulled me to him by my waist and fell onto the bed, my body against him, as he stared into my eyes intensely.

I felt every inch of him as his hand moved from my neck, igniting my skin with its heat before venturing dangerously low between my thighs, pushing aside my panties with barely contained passion. His index finger circled my clit, creating waves of pleasure that had me panting and begging more. We kissed harder as he stood up to unzip his jeans and grabbed my hand, firmly placing it on his rapidly pounding member.

With one seamless thrust, he entered me, pushing further and further until we were trembling on the brink of exquisite oblivion. His body collapsed onto the mine as a surge of delight that engulfed us. We knew that this was the best sex that we had experienced.

Every particle of my body was singing with elations, intense, and unrefined. I felt safe and secure in his embrace, until he disappeared. My heart sank until I understood that he had confronted James. I was terrified that Damien would be sent to prison due to James’s vindictive rage.

My mind frantically searched for James’s whereabouts, and then it hit me--he was at the last hotel he had stayed in Dallas. I figured that he had to be at the same hotel in Chicago. Inside the lobby was tumultuous: Damien and James were locked into a heated argument.

At the sound of my entrance, they both turned; Damien found himself speechless, and James was shaking with fear. I demanded that I know what was happening and glared at them harshly. My threatening demeanor caused James to tremble and Damien to cower into silence.

In a voice as cold as ice, I commanded James to leave and never return or I would call the police. With my heart pounding, I quickly escaped the hotel, leaving Damien behind, without a second look. As I stepped out into the night, I felt that a chill ran through me when I realized I was alone in this dark and dangerous place.

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