A Basliks In My Fourth Period Part 4

Start from the beginning

I nod quickly and told her to make her way to the gym and that I will meet her there with Luz. Once she was finally out of sight and earshot, gripped the device tightly in my hand and felt the familiar tingle behind my eyes as I let out some blood lust into the air.

The sudden shift in the air alerted Luz immediately to me as she growled menacingly at me, bearing her teeth and holding her bloodied blades up at me with no recollection at all in her glowing crimson-red eyes. She was acting just like a wild animal ready to take down anyone who gets in their way and this was the moment I was to go back to the human realm and hunt down Cain and kill him for making us like this.

"I'm sorry Bubba," I said softly under my breath as I activated my gauntlets," But I have to knock you out here and now before you hurt yourself and the school more! You'll thank me later for this!!!"

Luz lets out an ear-piercing war cry as she charges toward me at full speed and I silently pray to the titan that Amity doesn't kill me for what I am about to do.

I would have to take down my sister here and now before it takes over and I have to do it now!

'Dear christ on a fucking bike please let me do this quickly!'



~{One Hour Later: Hexside Gym}~



Amity's P.O.V

"Hey, I need more bandages over here!!"

"Someone get the emergency first aid kits from the gym locker!!"

I let out a small groan from all the annoying shouting around me," Ugh...Ed...Em...It's too early to be so loud!"

I heard someone gasp next to me and call over someone named Viney to me and just as I was opening my eyes, a bright light was shining directly into them.

"Fuck! Someone turn off the light!!" I complained until I felt the comforting hand of my older sister Amelia.

"Hey mittens," Amelia said gently as she rubs my cheek gently while the familiar bark of Amatus filled my ears," Open your eyes, Viney and Em have to check to make sure you don't have a concussion."

I let out a small pained whine as I was starting to feel the pain all over my body, but I slowly opened my eyes to see a slightly bruised-up Amelia, a tired-looking Em, and Viney holding a low-level light spell. 

Viney took over checking up on my injuries and my condition while she ordered Em to get the medical supplies I needed. While Viney scanned me over and patched me up, I look around to see almost the whole student body here either resting on makeshift cots looking almost ghostly pale, getting patched up from healing track students, or helping out anywhere they could. I didn't see the Havenstars anywhere which was a good thing since I did not want to deal with their bullshit at the moment but my stomach twist in worry when I didn't see Luz or Lucia anywhere. 

My worry went up tenfold when I saw Amatus in Amelia's arms as he whimpers sadly and looked at the double doors longingly as if he was waiting for his second mom to come running through them any moment. 

Once Viney patched me up as best she could, she told Em and Am to keep an eye on me while she takes care of the other students.

"Amity what happened?" Em asked once Viney was out of earshot," Amelia told us that the Basliks cornered you two, and then Luz and Lucia came to your guys' help."

I rub my forehead softly as I tried my best to remember the moments leading up until I passed out," Am and I were making our to the Detention Track room to have lunch with our girlfriends but then we heard the student scream out about a beast on a rampage and then everything went to complete hell!"

I can recall the entire student body panicking and running like a cockatrice when its head is cut off. I felt a shiver go down my spine as I recall the size of the Greater Basilks and its creepy laugh.

"We then got cornered when we tried to take a shortcut to get to the Detention Track room," I continued as I leaned onto Amelia a bit for support," You should've seen it Em...It was the second biggest beast I've ever laid eyes on but not as big as Amatus's mother. And it laugh-like-cackle when it would suck up your magic... Titan above and below I don't think I'll be able to sleep much the next couple of nights after that but all I remember before passing out was seeing Luz and Lucia coming to our aid and the force of my back hitting the lockers as the snake hit me pretty hard with its tail."

Just as I finished retelling the fight, dozens upon dozens of little white light-looking orbs came flying into the gym. The three of us watched in awe as each light slowly descended onto either a student or faculty member and moments later they all started to wake up. Viney and the other healing students were now working double time now as they had a massive amount of patients to check up now to see if there were any long-lasting damages. 

One of the unconscious students from the attack was my older brother and slowly he began to wake up.

"Ahh...Em? Did I drink another of my experimental potions again?" Asked our now groggy brother as he slowly sat up in his makeshift cot.

"ED!!!" Em cheered and quickly went to tackle her twin and slowly started sobbing uncontrollably as Ed tried to comfort her as best as he could while still catching up to everything around him.

But this touching moment was instantly broken when someone kicked the double doors to the gym with all their strength, breaking them off their hinges.

"VINEY, BARCAS, JERBO!! GET ME A BED AND THE ADVANCE MEDICAL KIT NOW!!!" a bloodied-up and exhausted-looking Lucia screamed out of desperation as she was carrying...


I got to my feet immediately, ignoring my siblings' protest, and limped as fast as I could toward the Drake siblings. Though the healing students and the detention track students were much faster as they brought out a stretcher and the heavy-duty med kit.

"Gently now everyone!" Viney ordered as they carefully put Luz onto the stretcher and put her over to where the examination area was set up. 

I covered my mouth and forced myself not to vomit at that very moment as I finally got a glimpse at what Luz looked like and dear Titan... It was much worse than I could imagine.

 Her entire upper body was covered with dark purple almost black fist shaped bruises, her arms and legs, which were wrapped in what I could tell were parts of the tunics we used for our uniform, were clearly broken and snapped in odd ways as if they were trying to immobilize her without breaking any of the nerves or muscles, but what really made my whole entire body almost collapse right then and there was her face.

Her once cute and adorable face that I could hold in my hands and kiss all over for hours, was now covered in blood. Her adorable button now was cleanly broken, spider-like veins were protruding all around her eyes, and parts of her face were slowly disappearing. I've seen my dad deal with much nastier abomination creations than how Luz looked at the moment.

My entire body just froze at this gruesome sight and no matter how much my brain was telling to snap out of it and go chase after them but I couldn't.

'Come on!! Luz is going to be so scared and guilty when she wakes up!! Move body, please!! Let me be with my mate-to-be!!!' I yelled to myself but nothing I did made me move. 


The sound of a body collapsing onto the ground finally snapped me out of my trace and I quickly turned my head to see Lucia finally collapsing from both the adrenaline and the amount of damage she obtained from fighting the beast.

"LUCIA!!! I'M GONNA NEED ANOTHER STRETCHER OVER HERE!!!" Viney yelled out to the other healing on deck and they quickly moved her where her little sister was.

Amelia came running over to my side and we both looked at each other for a moment and with a silent nod, we followed the healers over to the examination area to make sure our girlfriends were going to be okay.

'What a great way to start the semester...'

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