"What? I'm not doing anything," the demon shrugged, before swiping his arm and knocking down her quiver full of arrows. "I have half a mind to shoot you with one of those arrows," Yunhee snarled at him. "Where's the other half?" He chidded, "Don't tell me it's in my ass." "That wasn't- okay, you need some time outside," she pointed towards the door, "Go think about what you've done." "What am I? A fucking dog?" He laughed, scoffing at her words, "What? Do I need to be trained?"

Her eye twitched as she groaned. She walked back over and picked up her quiver, rearranging the arrows for them to fit perfectly inside. She then slung it over her shoulder, accompanied by a bow that was handcrafted personally for her by her late grandmother. The demon sat at the footboard, swinging his legs like usual.

Yunhee then lunged forward, grabbed him by the arm and wrestled him outside, only to hold onto his legs when winds whipped at her face upon his wings releasing. "Let's go for a ride, Princess!" He mused as he abruptly jumped up, using his wings to pull him up into the air.

"Why the fuck is there so much space for you to stretch your wings!" He heard Yunhee yell from behind him, adrenaline surging through his body. He darted through the corridors, zooming past everyone while dragging her. She had almost let go of him.


Her grip was strong, even when her feet were no longer touching the floor when they rose higher. His wings flapped faster, sometimes brushing her face but she held on. He dashed over the fortified walls of the castle, taking Yunhee for a little joyride part 2.

She refused to look down, not when she had almost fallen to her death a few days prior. She pulled herself up and somehow attached herself between his appendages like a koala, wrapping her arms around his neck and nuzzling her face into the crook of his neck. "Aw, is Princess afraid of heights?" He taunted her, not getting much of a response except that her grasp tightened, almost choking him.

"Aish, okay Princess, I get the point," he sighed, realising how high up they were. The air currents tugged their hair in different directions as the demon hovered, fighting against them. Silence passed between them, before he dove down and calmly touched down on the earth. "You can let go now," he patted her.

She slipped off, glaring at him. "At least I got the fresh air you wanted me to get," he beamed. She groaned loudly, collapsing onto the grass and covered her eyes with her arm, using her other arm as a pillow, "I'm so goddamn tired. I feel like I haven 't slept in months."

"You were unconscious," he said. "Not helping," she lifted up her head to glare at him. He shrugged, forcing himself to join her. He lay on his side, propping his head with his elbow as he observed her as she stared at the sky, a ghost of a smile gracing her lips.

Bit by Bit, he noticed her eyes were fighting to stay open. He noticed how she constantly yawned, covering her mouth with her hand. He noticed her gaze at the sky was blank, obscure even. A few more minutes had passed when they closed completely and her breathing had evened out into small intakes of air. Her muscles had slackened as her arm fell loosely to her side.

He would be lying if he had said that she wasn't pretty.

He gently caressed her cheek, feeling her slip deeper into slumber as he did so.

"You're so pretty, Princess," he whispered, "I swear even if I wasn't bonded to you, I will steal you away and have you all to myself." He sighed, he knew he could never love a human. And besides, their bond wasn't going to last soon. It was going to get broken at some point, and he will get banished to Hell again and she'll live her life as normal, probably forgetting about his existence.

He had also known that breaking the bond was almost impossible.

But there's no telling what Humans could do...


"My Lady," Jungkook bowed to her, already dressed in armour, "The villagers request that they meet with you." "Let me guess," she said blandly, "About a demon attack?" He nodded silently.

She glared at the demon, who was suddenly interested in the birds flying above his head. "Come on, Jungkook. I'm not walking. We're going to teleport! It gives me extra practice!"


She took his hand while summoning a portal with the other, the entrance gradually growing bigger in size for them to jump through. However, as the demon watched, her aura had turned pink instead of its usual white colour. It was a barely noticeable pink, but he picked it up.

He was about to bring it up to her attention, but the portal closed before he was able to.

Should he go after her?

He shook his head, the damn human was messing with his brain.

He wouldn't actually learn to develop feelings, wouldn't he?

Ew to love.

Meanwhile, Yunhee listened (or at least tried to) when the villagers rushed at her almost immediately upon reaching the entrance.

"L-Lady Yunhee! A terrible beast was bestowed upon us!"

"Please, Your Highness! Help us!"

"That creature killed one of us!"

"He left a teenager orphaned!"

"Let me see the teenager," she called.

The crowd parted to reveal no other than...


Teenager was an understatement.

"Yunhee-Noona!" He threw himself onto her clothes, breaking out into a sob in front of everyone. What was she supposed to tell him? That everything was going to be alright? That they had no reason to fear, even though there was a demon running rampant in the castle as they speak?

No, she couldn't promise that. That is an empty promise to keep. It may have worked for her mother, but not for her. She couldn't promise protection 24/7, 365. She couldn't promise that she'll be able to handle all of their problems, even when some of them are caused by idiotic deeds.

"Tae..." she trailed off. She didn't know what to tell him, truth be told. "Can you tell me why and how your father died?" "Why do you have to know how and why?" A male villager spoke up, "What's more important is seeing that demon purified and removed from our world?"

"There must be a reason for everything. The demon wouldn't have attacked someone out of the blue. What had happened before?" She disregarded the man's comment, focusing on the latter. "As the demon came into our village, everyone ran like chickens," a girl piqued as she made herself seen. "I'm not sure what happened exactly, but through the shutters, I saw a rock being thrown. I-it hit the demon at the back. The demon pounced on him, then killed him."

"Were there any other people who were harmed?" She furrowed her eyebrows. "Yes" the crowd parted to reveal a priest, clad in black, wrist cast in some sort of bandages as well as a terrified expression on his face, "I was attacked as well. I stepped in to kill the demon, had ended up with a broken wrist and my bible was burnt before my eyes." "You mean you attacked him?" She raised an eyebrow, "What would have happened if you had left it alone?"

"It would have gone after the other villagers," the priest spoke proudly.

Geez, this guy is crazy, Yunhee thought, Hellboy would only attack if he was attacked.

"I see," she played along, nodding, "I'll see about that demon problem. But until then, don't come out at night. It will find you and kill you and eat your body to not leave evidence." The villagers gasped, taken aback.

She gave them a smug smile, before turning away.

"Your Highness!" The priest raised his arm in a query, "I want to accompany you while we hunt down that demon!" We? She blinked, Since when? "No thank you," she shook her head politely, "Now, if you excuse me, I gotta bounce. I have to kick a certain person's ass."


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