Chapter 31 Finally Talking

Start from the beginning

The drive to St. Thomas wasn't actually long, but given the state we were both in, it felt like an eternity. Face pulled into the space beside me. I stepped down from the vehicle and made eye contact with him. "You got a little more info for me" he asked?

"I don't have much more than you" I shrugged. "I just know Mom wanted to be with Jax, and I'm taking the boys home."

"Okay" he replied. "I'm with you."

He's with me? It caught my attention, though I knew I didn't have time to think on it too long. I just nodded and followed my mother up the stone steps of the building with Face bringing up the rear. We were known in the community, so it didn't take long for the one working the front desk to direct us to where we could find Jax.

We spotted him before he noticed us, long enough to get a read on him. Jax wasn't pissed, not yet. Right now, he was just a helpless fiancé pacing back and forth, waiting for some word on the woman he loved. He cradled Thomas in his arms, the baby giving him as much comfort as he was giving to the baby. Abel was close beside him holding his hand, his head drooped down, no doubt feeding off the energy his father was emitting.

That was a cue to me. I knew what the little boy would need right now. "Hey" I called gaining his attention.

All three spotted us, but there was a weight lifted off my shoulders when Abel smiled as he spotted me. "Auntie Harley" he squealed, pulling from his father's hand and running towards me. I crouched down and scooped him up in my arms when he reached me. Both boys were happy to have their daddy home, but Abel was still sort of getting to know him. His little arms reached around my neck, and I held him close, continuing my trek to my brother.

"How is she" I asked gently?

"Going to get her for surgery" He explained shaking his head. He took a deep breath, and it became apparent my brother was still in disbelief from the whole situation. "Someone tried to abduct her."

"Jesus" I sighed, looking at my nephew in my arms. "How much did" I gestured to Abel?

"She was buckling them in" He sighed in defeat.

I cradled his little head and kissed him protectively.

"I don't know what this is" Jax shook his head looking at Face. "I need someone on the house, Rat or Phil. I don't want the boys or Harley to be alone there long."

"I'll be doing that brother" Face replied with a nod.

"Thank you" Jax nodded back thankfully.

Face nodded back without a word.

Before anyone else could say anything else, we were interrupted by the rickety sound of a stretcher, bringing Tara in. Jax forgot anyone else was there and followed along beside her, holding her hand that wasn't injured.

Mom turned to Face and handed Thomas over, before she followed down the hall. Surprised he was being handed a child, Face's expression looked confused for a second, but when Thomas settled his head on his shoulder, he seemed to get the idea quickly. He watched my movements with Abel for a second before he mirrored the bouncing with Thomas.


Well, this was new. I wasn't sure I'd ever held a baby in my life. So far I wasn't dropping him, or hurting him. The kid took to me quickly, not giving it a second thought. I think I was more worked up by us being paired off than he was. Thomas seemed sturdy enough.

I watched the concern on Harley's face. She was in her own head, trying to piece together her next move, that I could tell. I wasn't about to let any one of these three out of my sight, not after that afternoon. I started to think what might calm them all down when I remembered the night I met Harley.

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