Being A Goddess Is Normal

Start from the beginning

Loki had started doing that more, too, something you were proud of him for, and would smack Tony on the back of the head for whenever he had teased Loki about it.

You give a light smile towards Cookie as she stands on her hind legs with a happy tail wag, her forelegs resting against the windowsill where you sat. Reaching down a bit, you give her cute head a loving couple of pets, before she's getting down and curling up in her upgraded doggy bed, which now had a teepee covering it, giving her her own little slice of privacy.

As Loki comes over to you, you pay more attention as he's holding two mugs of steaming hot chocolate, decorated with whipped cream and crushed graham cracker sprinkles. You carefully take one of the mugs that he holds out to you, before watching him sit on the edge of the bed facing you.

You were having more moments like this, of there just being silence between you two.

You particularly didn't favor it, but you knew it was Loki's way of just letting you have that solitude that you were craving.

You were craving it less, now that he was near you and not speaking.

Getting up from the window, you go and sit close to him, your leg and shoulder pressed up against his own.

Rolling his ruby red eyes softly, Loki can't help but to smirk at you. "I thought you wanted time to yourself because we were babying you."

You shift a bit against him, holding your cup gingerly as you take a soft sip of the rich hot chocolate. "I want to be able to do things on my own, more so than being left alone. That's what I meant. I don't want you to ignore me."

"I'm not ignoring you, I'm giving you space."

"But... I don't like it." You mumble, leaning a bit heavier against his frame. "I mean, I really appreciate that you all are so worried about me, but I'm not a toddler or anything like that. Unless of course there's something I need to know about as a new goddess that I'm unaware of..."

Taking a more careful sip of his chocolaty delight, Loki leans back on his empty hand a bit. "No, not yet. The others are very wary, yes, but it's more for your newfound strengths as the number two priority."

You look at him in question. "It's not number one? I thought picking up Mjolnir and accidentally blowing up Tony's bar again was what kept everyone on edge for the past three weeks alone?"

"Loki chuckles softly. "No. Although, it was quite a surprise for us all. Picking up Mjolnir, not destroying Stark's bar." Loki clarifies, before looking at you softly.

"Our number one priority is your safety, Y/N." Loki tells you, and you look down at your drink.

Of course, even though the main threat to your existence was locked away in one of the strongest spell bound jails ever known to the living multiverse, it didn't mean you were out of harm's way.

"I don't want everyone to keep feeling like I need to be protected all the time, though. I'm not... I just... Being guarded by Earth's Mightiest Heroes all the time isn't helping me feel better. Even Peter acts like he's my big brother now, but I.. I just.."

You didn't know what to really say, sighing slowly and drinking some more of the hot chocolate before setting it down on the bedside table.

You feel an arm snaking around your waist before Loki's cup joins your own, and you allow yourself to be pulled into a comforting hug.

"We were all lost without you, Y/N.. And we were very... We were beyond emotional. Especially myself." Loki says, resting his head against the crook of your neck.

You couldn't be upset with them over that, and you'd never be. But knowing that they were all hurt in one way or another because of you, even if it wasn't your fault, you felt guilty.

You run your fingers through Loki's hair slowly, feeling him relax against you with a quiet sigh.

"I'm sorry, Loki.. I should apologize to everyone else, too.. I just want everything to go back to normal.. It can, can't it?"

You asked this quietly, staring out of the window as you felt like you already knew the answer.

Loki looks up at you, pulling away for a moment to lay down, pulling you down with him so that you were laying on his chest.

"We can try to make it feel as normal as it used to be, but you know that the changes we make going forward are to benefit your new life for the better. All of our lives.."

You close your eyes, getting comfortable with him as you listen to his heartbeat.

"I know... But every now and again... Can we at least just relax with a movie or pizza night? Instead of me getting sent to bed like a kid?"

Loki kisses the top of your head, running his hand up and down your back softly.

"I think that would be a rather nice step in the right direction."

You nod softly, snuggling into him. "I guess we'll work our way back up towards sex, then." You mumble, Loki giving a quiet whine. "Yes, that too... Though we could work on that one a bit faster."

You give a light smile, lifting your head to look at Loki's face. "That'd be nice. A good spa day with just you would be really nice, too." You say, tracing your fingers along the intricate lines of his skin slowly before you lean up and kiss his Adam's apple.

Shivering, Loki stares down at you with a slight glint.

"A spa day would be very lovely, indeed."

Normal, Or Anything But? (Loki x reader)Where stories live. Discover now