"How'd Yn get in our bed last night? Amelia asked, twirling Addison's hair around her fingers.

"He had a bad dream so I told him he could sleep in here." Addison said smiling beofre pulling Amelia in for a kiss.

"And where is he now?" Amelia asked, getting up.

"I don't know, maybe he went back in the guest room, or the bathroom?" Addy replied, walking to the closet to get dressed. Amelia followed suit and after they were ready they walked to the guest room, but it was empty.

"Yn, where are you?" Amelia shouted, but there was no response. They shouted throughout the house trying to find him bit had no luck.

"Alright don't panic Addy, maybe he got an emergency page."

"Why wouldn't he tell us though?" Addy replied, still freaking out.

"We'll drive to his house, okay? Don't worry." Amelia said as she pulled on her shoes.

Yn was in the shower when he head a knock at the door. He didn't think anything of it until the knocking got more urgent, so he wrapped a towel around his waist and headed to the door. He opened it and was met with Amelia and Addy looking worried sick. They both rushed to give him a hug practically smothered him.

"Yn why the hell would you leave and not tell either of us? We were worried sick!" Addison said. Amelia nodded her head in agreement, they hugged for a moment longer before realizing he was in just a towel.

"Your going to catch a cold, go get dressed." Amelia said. Addy was confused but realized yn was naked and let go blushing.

"Can we come in?" Amelia asked.

"Of course, come in, I'm going to go get dressed." Yn said and moved out of the doorway and walked to his room.

After he got dressed he headed out to the living room and saw them sitting on his couch. He walked the the chair next to them and sat down. "I'm so sorry, I didn't think you'd be worried about me." Yn said.

"Of course we'd be worried, we care about you!" Amelia said.

"Sowwy.." yn said quietly, looking down at his hands.

"It's alright, but next time tell us, okay?" Addy said, standing up and looking around. "It's way to cold outside for you to be wearing a short sleeve and pants, where's your coat?"

"I-I don't have one.." yn mumbled.

"What was that?" Addy said.

"I don't have one.." yn said louder.

"Well that's unacceptable, c'mon, we're going to buy you a coat." Amelia said and stood up. "What about work?" Yn said. "You not getting sick is more important." Amelia said. Addy shook her head in agreement and they all walked out of his house and to their car.

Amelia got into the driver's seat and Addy buckled yn in. Yn smiled and sucked his thumb as Addy shut the door. "Uh-Uh baby, fingers are yucky, get them out." Amelia said, looking in the rear view mirror. Yn pouted but pulled his thumb out and sat there sadly.

They reached the store soon and walked inside together, with both women holding Yn's hands. They went to the coat section and picked one out quickly before paying for it and heading back to the car. Yn pulled out his wallet and tried to hand Addy money but Addy declined saying, "I don't want your money, we're surgeons and your our little, we can afford it."

Yn blushed at the "your our little" part, and so did Addison.

"I you's little?" Yn asked.

"Yes, if you want to be Amelia and I would love that." Addy said smiling.

"Yes I you's little p'ease." Yn said and smiled. Amelia started to cry a little and Addy patted her thigh. "Don't cry Amelia, it's okay, I know how much this means to you." Yn repeated this saying, "No cwy 'Mewia." Addy and Amelia's hearts practically melted at the saying.

"You know you really scared us when you left and we didn't know where you were." Amelia said, focusing back on the road.

"I'm sorry 'Melia." Yn said, now in an older headspace.

"It's alright, ideally when you get more comfortable you'd move in with us, although there's no rush. Until then though, please text us, leave a note, call, or wake us please." Amelia said.

"I could move in with you?" Yn asked, smiling.

"Yes, once your comfortable enough." Addy said happily. Yn wanted to continue the conversation but they had just pulled up to work. They walked into the building together but then had to go their separate ways. "See you after work, okay?" Addy said.

"Okay, I'll text you!" Yn said and skipped off.

"Did you see his face when we said he could move in? He looked so cute and happy!" Addison said, hugging Amelia.

"I know! I hope he gets comfortable with us enough to move in soon, I can hardly wait!" Amelia said.

Yn texted Amelia and Addison at 7 P.M. that he had a double shift and wouldn't be able to make it home. She texted back a thumbs up and sent him a picture of Addy sleeping on her shoulder. Yn smiled and set it as his home screen before going back to work.

Yn got home from his 48 hour shift and passed out on his bed immediately after showering. He was woken up a few minutes later to a knock at his door. He groaned and shuffled towards the door and opened it, squinting at the sun in his eyes.

"Hey baby, I know you just got home from an extra shift, but Amelia amd I wanted to come over and see you, we missed you alot!" Addy said, embracing yn in a big hug. He smiled and yawned before letting go and sitting on his couch. He grabbed the remote and turned on the TV saying, "If you want to stay you can watch TV, I need to sleep." before walking back to his room and laying down.

Soon he was joined by Amelia and Addy sitting on either side of him. Amelia rubbed yn's back and Addy pulled the blankets up over him. "What are you two doing?" Yn asked. "We missed you.."

"You guys want to take a nap with me?" Yn asked shyly.

"Thought you'd never ask!" Amelia said and layed next to him, wrapping her arms around his waist. Addy followed suit, and soon they were all fast asleep.

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