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Life can surprise you, I am lying on the hospital bed and missing my bed from my apartment. It is much better than the hospital ones .
I don't like it here, sometimes I wonder how it feels for the doctors and nurse coming up to these very same place everyday and meet with bruised faces, broken legs ,labor room screams and so many stuff that happens in here .

Some they die, some live but living with a disease. Will I too go back home without any problems?
The first thing I do when I wake up, I look around the chamber and familiar faces around me are seated on the couch, while others stand on the door talking .
My family is here.my whole family is here .

"Mom ?dad? What are you guys doing in here ?" I say in a stiffness voice , I sit up on the bed and lean straight to see everyone properly, I hate seeing my family like this —especially in this situation .it is so sweet that it's only your family that can come just to see you even though they come this long way from Atlanta to New York .
I can barely feel my legs. They are obviously broken and I still can feel the pains in them .

Now I shall get ready for my mom to scold me, the look in her eyes can tell that she wishes to worsen my situation right now —all because I did not listen to her, and here I am with the results of not listening to my beloved jejune  mother. I'm terribly hurt because of my car.
Her brown gazes pervade straight at me as I try hard to avoid them, her hands on her hips, her mouth in a wrench, my dad who is standing beside her, calms her down as he pet her shoulder with a hand.
Abruptly she smiles at me, her face becomes  emotional for me _surely has something to do with me getting hurt .

I swear she is putting on. Because we in hospital if I was home i'd be dead by now.
She comes to me, I wish I did not wake from consciousness .

"Oh my god darling! what happened to you? I told you it was a bad idea to buy yourself a car ." here she is again starting with her nagging. I can hear her from quite a bit a distance, I still feel weary a bit. If her mouth can't zip it I may pass out. I look at her while she keep  talking and talking and talking and talking,
"Calm down, she had learnt her lesson." my dad says , trying by all means to calm my mom down.

What lesson did I learn?

"oh come on I know she is going to get herself another one." this time she hit my head from the back of my head, "Ouch mom it hurts."
"You deserve it."

One thing about black mom's they never let it go!
I still don't feel well, I don't know if it's the noise or they are making me crazy and my head to spin .but I feel like I'm going to pass out .
my eyes slowly close as my entire body follows,I pass out again .


"She is going to be alright, she will recover little by. . .little ." a familiar voice says. It is so harmless and still little bottomless but sexy I can't find more proper words to depict it , I still admire his tone. I open my eyes as soon as I hear his voice, black afro curled hair, well not that big but it looks pretty good on him. His eyes are so attractive that I can't resist but look at the other side so that I may avoid them by any means.

oh my god am I crazy why am I behaving these way?

I never expected him to see me like these, you know baddie comebacks , whenever you broke up with someone and you wish that they only see you doing good. Like having a loyal boyfriend, A car and a mansion and he comes over you startled and can't believe that it is you because he left you like shit.

But here am I in front of him like his patient , and him as Jesus who is trying to help me .

Life is something else I can't explain.

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