"Then you should get the full implications of this, he's pregnant." Zeke stilled under me.

"You lie. He's only ever been with me and I'm sterile." I rolled him over and leaned on him my claws still at his throat. They would make him think twice before moving.

"I had him take a test. He is pregnant. He said he'd only ever been with you, you confirmed it that makes you the father. Which also makes it possible that you are indeed his father." the full implications of that settled into him. He went limp in my grip.

"It's impossible." he said.

"Either way you'll never know, but die knowing I'll make sure that he's taken care of the way a father should have taken care of him." He closed his eyes and didn't fight me as I pulled his throat from his body. As I stood I felt the entire Hyena pack slide into a new link. I took a breath at the shear number of them. There were far more than I had thought. I turned to the four men, they snapped off salutes to me and stood at attention.

"I want honesty, if I find out you've lied I will not be lenient. Are there those in the pack who follow his example and mistreat those they should be caring for."

"Yes, a few."

"Call them here, now." Two got out phones. I looked at one waiting for direction.

"I'd like to talk to Isaac's mother." He nodded and headed for a door. I turned to the last guard.

"Did he have a second?"

"No, we always believed he never appointed one so he'd never have someone who might covet his position."

"How did a male become alpha, Hyena are female led."

"He killed her and took her place. He did not like being led by a woman." The door opened and the guard came in with a middle aged woman.

"This is Brenda. Brenda our new alpha Luke, he's the one who took in Isaac."

"Is he alright?" She asked me.

"He's not in good shape but I'm hoping we can get him through this."

"Please can I see him?" I debated but nodded.

"When I leave you can come with me." She seemed relieved. "When is the last time you saw him?"

"Months. Zeke was keeping us apart I don't know why."

"Are you aware Zeke was beating your son?" Her eyes went wide.

"No, but why would he do that?"

"It's possible that he was doing so because he thought Isaac wasn't his son, is he?"

"Yes. I know that Zeke though himself sterile but I wasn't with anyone else. Isaac is his son."

"Then it'll probably upset you to know that Zeke was forcing Isaac to have sex with him." Her face went pale then slightly green.

"I think I may be sick." The guard helped her into a chair. Any doubt I had about her went away as I watched her indeed get sick into a trash can that the guard grabbed. "My poor baby."

"I'm afraid I have more. He's pregnant." She stared at me and started to cry.

"Pregnant by his own father." She sobbed into the guards arms. One of the guards stepped up.

"The ones you asked for are assembled in the hall."

"Please stay here ma'am."

"What are you doing with them?"

"Well I'm going to ask a few questions and if they don't have the right answers I'm going to make them homeless."

"I want to be there. As part of the harem I know the truth of people if they try to lie." I nod and with the guard supporting her partially we headed for the hall. Seventeen people were lined up and this was only a fraction of the pack.

"Hello there." I said going for a neutral tone, it wasn't easily believed I was sure considering I was still in half shape and still had Zeke's flesh and blood in my hand. I held up the bundle of flesh. "Anyone want to guess what this is?" A few paled. "No, no one." I noticed one with hate in his eyes. "How about you?" I stepped up in front of him. He stared at my chin, glaring, but never looking me in the eye, never a true challenge to my authority. "Come on, you look like a smart guy what is it?"

"It's Zeke's throat."

"Very good. Gold star for you. Now I had all of you gathered because I asked for anyone willfully mistreating the pack. If anyone wants deny this, this is your chance to do so and we'll see if you've been pegged wrong." I looked over them no one said anything. "I promise I'm not going to kill you if want to protest or call me names anything else." The guy with the glare snorted.

"Like we'd believe anything you say. You aren't anything but a freak and liar. No doubt all those mates of yours are just whores you took in. You aren't worth half what Zeke was." I stepped forward with an angry look on my face and hit him in the stomach hard. He doubled over trying to breath.

"I said you could call me names. My mates, family, and pack are off limits. As far as me and Zeke, well it really depends on the master you want to serve. Consider me the good side, after all I've been called the worlds biggest boy scout. We'll call Zeke, the bad guy, after all he was the one who raped and beat his own son." I watched faces carefully only two faces seemed not to know and one of the two showed revulsion. I motioned the two forward in the crowd. "Didn't know what he was doing?" I asked. They nodded.

"I'll admit I took advantage of his provision of the harem and didn't really let anyone say no to me. But having sex with your own kid is nasty." He was out, he just admitted to wrong doing. I looked at the other one.

"What about you? Did you know?"

"No. But I've only been in the pack for a few weeks. I've been keeping my head down."

"Why did you join?" I asked the guy who was probably my age.

"I was rogue, have been most of my life. He offered to take me in I accepted."

"I asked for those doing wrong doing what have you been doing that has you here?"

"Honestly. I'm not sure." I looked at the guards doing the rounding up.

"He's got a heavy hand with the pack. Tends to hit anyone that he feels is in the wrong." The guard supplied.

"Do you stick to equals or are you like that with Omega's and those weaker than you?"

"One of our enforcers has been trying to get him into sparing with the pack. So that his aggression is directed and not just sitting there to build up." Brenda supplies.

"A very smart idea."

"Anyone know if its working."

"I think it is. He's been slower to act out the last week or so. He even let a male out of a fight when they got into an argument." Brenda went on.

"Is that his only sin?" I asked the guards. They nodded. I kept him in front I might let him stay but I'd think on it while I went over the others. "What else do we have here?" One by one we stood there until I'd gone through all seventeen people. Besides the one guy I found a female who was similar, had unchanneled aggression. I took them and stood the two to the side.

"As for the rest of you, you are out. As of right now." Just like that they slid out of the pack link. "For those of you who live in the building, you have one hour to be gone from this property, which now, by default, is mine. Those of you who live on other pack property, you have two hours to get home and pack and get out. Everyone else, you are barred from the pack and properties if found anywhere you will be held in what I'm sure will be an escape proof cell here. Zeke was a bastard but he seems to have a very good builder." I turned to the two I hadn't gotten rid of. "And you two. I want you to keep up, and you to start the regime if sparring three times a week. You will have a probationary time period of however long I deem enough. If you step out of line in any way I will bounce your asses to the curb. Got it."

"Yes sir." They both said.

"Dismissed." The two who had gathered them escorted them off. "I want them all verified off the property." They nodded. 

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