1. AC: Chapter 12

Start from the beginning

Spiderman tried to hit on the glass without much result seeing his life was in danger and seeing this Nightcrow ran to help his boyfriend but stopped when a couple of red spikes were thrown on his way by Carnage who laughed manically while running his way with his arm turning into an axe but was stopped by Venom charging into him which game him the change to go and try to help Peter.

Dawn and Black Cat were teaming up taking down the bodyless symbiotes like the ones they fought before coming into the room, Dawn was almost out of arrows so she summoned a spear into her hands that had a blade that could produce heat just like Arash's sword and use it to disintegrate the symbiotes while Black Cat used the repulsor on her hand to blast them away.

Nightcrow prepared his heated sword and was about to slash the stasis chamber Peter was but then something hit him out of the way and made him hit a wall, someone was laughing at him and he slowly stood up in pain looking up to see a guy in a green suit riding (in a standing position) a bat-shape small glider.

"Who the fuck are you?" – Asked Arash annoyed

"The same I could say to you annoying prick" – said Harry

"Harry?" – Asked Felicia confused looking at the green suited male – "what are you supposed to be?" – She also asked

"My dad called this suit the Green Goblin, so I guess that's who I am now" – said Harry with a smile before throwing a couple of razor bats at her but she quickly did a spin jump in reverse to avoid them

The Green Goblin laughed before throwing a bomb on her direction which she avoided but exploded right behind her sending her forward and into the ground, Venom growled seeing the girl hit the floor and in the moment of distraction Carnage grabbed him by the wrist with his tentacles and prepared himself to stab him with his axe arm but Dawn jumped right on time to slash him with the spear she was using to cut off and disintegrate his arm making him screech.

Nightcrow on the other hand shot web at the Green Goblin's back to pull him back to get him out of the glider and made him fall to the floor, then he lifted his free hand that wasn't using the web shooter to control the glider with golden energy surrounding it and then he forcefully swing his arm in the direction of the stasis chamber Peter was inside that was half full of the green liquid, but once the glider hit the glass it broke and the water came out of the chamber just like the boy inside.

"You fucker!" – Yelled Harry

The OSCORP owner threw a bomb to the Prince's direction but Black Cat shot a web just in time to grab it and throw it on the direction where a bunch of symbiotes were and once the bomb exploded it killed the creatures, the glider move to the Green Goblin's direction and he jumped to ride it again, Carnage managed to grab and throw Dawn making her smash against Black Cat and just when Venom was about to jump on him the green armored villain hit him with the glider away from the red creature.

"You suck Cassidy" – said Harry

"Shut up" – complained Carnage – "they have new weapons with them that seem to work against me and the other symbiotes" – he explained

"I guess we need more backup" – said Harry clicking a button on the forearm of his suit making more chambers appear from the floor with more symbiotes behind them

"Web Warriors..." – called Arash after he help his boyfriend up and the other three heroes joined his side – "let's get them" – he ordered making the team advance and ran into the enemies who ran to them as well

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A/N: The fight against Harry and Carnage has started ladies and gentlemen and this is just the middle of the road, the things are gonna get complicated soon and you will not believe how, but we are approaching the end of Part 1 and of course I'm gonna make sure that ends in a exciting note.

As you can see the team got a couple of weapons to help them against the symbiotes (them thinking it was just Carnage) after Venom's input and in case any of you is wondering, they were provided by Bruce after they told him about their mission, I mean if the Iron Man repulsor isn't enough indicator of it, then I don't know what it is lol

Please leave Comments and Votes so I know that you guys are out there and still support this book even with my long history of bad updates lately lol and thanks to anyone reading, I changed the posting day again for Monday, this story compared to the other seemed more like Monday type of story, so I will see you all next Monday ✨🏹🕷⚫🐱‍👤

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So, I also have two other books called "Phillip Jones: Hellstrom" based on a character brother of Jessica Jones but it follows an original storyline, is not part of this universe or the main ones, but is pretty cool and is my take on doing something less PG, I will appreciate if you guys support it so...yeah just please give it some love, k' bye 🤗

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