His joints and bones still ached and he had a special set of ideas for the woman who had done it to him. If he couldn't hurt the man at the helm, he'd hurt them all, till there was nothing left but empty husks. Methias could practically see his gold-plated future manifesting before him. Methias was able to chart their courses, and finally a pattern was forming. They were visiting their old towns.

He just had to find which was next...

Nami would describe herself currently in two contradictory words, satisfied and starving. After dozing around for a bit longer, the two finally made it to the shower, both happy to wash themselves after the last few hours being nothing but touching one another. Although Luffy wasn't above grabbing his girlfriends butt just a little bit, she'd smacked his hand at the time, but she had also kissed him, so?

Nami had been happy to waive their departure time previously to satiate her own needs, but she was beginning to feel bad for the hotel staff. She hurried Luffy along, throwing his vest at him as she stood on one shaky leg putting her underwear on. Luffy watched her with great interest, having already dressed exceptionally quickly. He settled behind her, his hands bracing her upper arm, holding her steady as she put on her shorts.

His lips were pressed to her neck, just behind her ear, they were soft and ever so distracting. But Nami waved him off, the back of her fingers tapping his cheek. "No more, you flirt. We have to get back to the ship." Nami whispered, standing up straight as his hands loosened their grip and slid down her arms.

"You're a little unsteady Nami," Luffy's voice was soft, a gentle timbre. Nami heard his chuckle, it was as soft as his touch, but promised something that would embarrass her beyond belief. He moved around her, Nami slipped the rest of her clothes on, and he was on his knees before her when she was done.

His broad back in front of her, Nami was a little lost for what he wanted, till he was wiggling his fingers to encourage her. A piggyback, her Captain's chivalry at it's best, and most publicly humiliating for her. His fingers wiggled again and she was cowed slightly, she weighed up the pros and cons of letting him do this. It would make Luffy happy if she accepted, and she didn't want to walk the distance back to the Sunny herself. However, it would be embarrassing, although they were already receiving public attention anyway because of Luffy.

"C'mon Nami, we've already made the staff wait enough." Luffy mused, smiling no doubt as he rushed her decision.

She was staring at him, treating her like she was glass, she wasn't that weak. However, it felt good to be cherished, no matter the reason. She was treated so preciously by a man whom she had always assumed was completely clueless about such things. She leaned against Luffy's back and wrapped her arms around his neck, he was warm, in a way that superseded just temperature.

"Fine, but we're stopping before the others can see us from the Sunny," Nami mumbled, tightening her grip and speaking against his skin.

"Aye aye."


They grabbed a snack on the way back, and Nami was designated both, holder and feeder. Nami held out skewered meats and other food stall treats in front of Luffy's face as he walked, each step sure and strong, even with the extra distraction. She was right, they had received attention just the same as before, but it didn't feel as fearful as the previous day. Nami was happy with that, baby steps were still movement after all, so who was she to judge?

It felt nice to just mess around in a town full of people that she would likely never see again. There was beauty in the simplicity of their time together, it allowed her to mellow out after everything, in a way that just being with Luffy on the ship hadn't been able to achieve.

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