Chapter 29: My Husband's Gift-Part 1

Start from the beginning

"I'll always be here Ely. Let's go home."

"Yes....I am ready to go home." My wife rested against my chest when Kain came in with the water she asked for.

After she drank the whole glass, we went to Lady Juniper to say our farewell.

She carried her disappointment well since she wanted us at her party for a bit longer but I said that my wife was feeling under the weather.

After all the pleasantries were done, we went home.


The next day, I summoned Kain to my study.

He came immediately and bowed before me.

"You called for me, Your Grace?"

"Yes. I have been recently corresponding with the Baron Beaucamp these past weeks to arrange a surprise for my wife." I motioned for him to sit down on the chair in front of my desk.

"Am I needed for a specific task?"

"Yes. In light of getting to know my father-in-law better. He confided in me of your infiltration into my estate to protect my wife. This was the mission given to you by him." I waved my hand, showing him a letter with the sigil of the Beaucamp and the unique emerald green wax stamp. " I must admit I am both intrigued and curious at first but then I thought of how I met Alaina for the first and finally understood the baron's concern. So I won't punish you."

".....Thank you, Your Grace."

"Now that this is out of the way. Does my wife know? That you are a Fey?"

The knight shook his head.

"I was tasked to protect her at all times. Now that your lordship knows what I truly am. I can reveal myself to my lady?"

"Not yet. That is the reason why you can help me." I smiled wickedly and waved the latest letter from my father-in-law. " Now here is the plan."

Ely's POV:

"Hmmm...This gown...that one. that one and that one. And all these pelisses from here to here and those boots and gloves from this row to that row."

The proprietor of the garment store I visited looked delighted as he snapped his fingers and had a dozen of his employees started packaging everything I point at.

It feels good to spend the money I earned myself.

It has been a year since Cafe Terra opened and I have invested the profits every time on the cafe's upkeep but thanks to its growing popularity: We had to purchase the next building and we are currently talks of expanding it to a takeout shop/cafe where people who wanted to do takeout and the dinners can be separated.

Allowing for a more efficient service and for me to hire more chefs.

That would mean that Neo will need another chef in charge of the baked goods because of the increase in space soon.

Better yet. A *Pâtissier with a background on baking and cake-making.

[*a pastry chef who creates delicious and artistic desserts, breads, and other baked goods.]

I suppose we should conduct interviews when construction starts in 2 weeks.

"Thank you for your patronage, Your Grace." the proprietor smiled as I asked him to bill the clothes to my account.

"Linda, you should choose some too. Winter will be here soon and I have noticed that your clothes last year needs to be replaced."

My hand maid blushed a bit at my words.

"But..Your Grace.."

"No "buts" or "ifs". Choose what you want. How about a nice grey wolf jacket lined with snow hair fur and matching gloves?"

My handmaid was touched and began to choose her new winter clothes.

After a few more hours, our purchases were loaded into the carriage as we headed for the next store.

"There is this new shop that not a lot of people know about." Linda whispered. " They say that the proprietress has a few cosmetics that is said to be magical and gorgeous on your skin." Linda smiled. " Shall we check out her wares before we go to the gentleman's shop?"

"Why not? Tell the coachman where to go." I said as I looked out the window, watching the vibrant streets of the capital in silence.

Ezran said he has a surprise for me when I get back.

I wonder what my husband has in store for me? I am content with my current lifestyle and yet he continues to spoil me.



Linda was right.

The hidden beauty shop called {Ivy's Cosmetics} was magickal but it was because the cosmetics sold were similar to Asian style cosmetics.

The proprietress Ivy was a mysterious beauty with olive skin, golden eyes and dark magenta curls.

She spoke respectfully upon seeing that I was a lady of quality but never oversold her items as she assisted me.

I liked her every much.

So I bought half her inventory.

The usual routine of diluting the strong pigments and jelly to make my own makeup is not needed anymore.

because of the blush pots, rice powder boxes, various colors of moon pallette boxes, bottles of serums, exfoliants and hydrants and various other items I purchased.

I'll be able to create some pretty make up looks whenever I am not busy, it seems.

I smiled to myself as Linda helped direct the staff into moving the items I bought into my closet room when I noticed that Milford was not here to greet me.

As I passed through the main hallway. One of the maids saw me and whispered something the other maid before running away.

"Suspicious....Where did everybody go?" I passed through the door leading towards the pathway to my culinary house...

the usual cobbestone path going there was suddenly filled with the fragrance of... flowers? I wondered if this was my husband's doing.

Just then from out of the bushes, several maids blocked me and took my arms.

"Girls, Have the mistress of the Aisenburg Duchy ready. You know what to do." Mrs. Carter snapped her fingers. " Forgive me for the sudden rough treatment, Milady. This was the Lord's orders."

As I allowed them to drag me inside the culinary house and into a room that was suddenly filled with gowns, shoes and other fripperies.

What is my husband trying to do now?

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