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How did I end up in this situation?

Just this morning, my life was normal and now, I'm in an uncivilized town with no one but the girl I have hated my entire life.

My father has been kidnapped and I, THE HEIR TO THE DRAGON was on the run for my life.

I would have to take over my family's business as "THE HEIR TO THE DRAGON."

That is not what I dreamed for myself but that is my family's legacy and I must carry it on.

I have always hated the kind of life that my father lived.

His life style got my mother killed and there was nothing I could have done about it.

I was never close to my parents. I tried avoiding their deadly life style. But what can you do, been born to the "DRAGON'S HEAD?".

My father was happy when he discovered that my mom was having a girl.

My mom was ruthless and she made my father brutal too and so he was happy that I would be just like my mother.

But I hated that life of having so many enemies. And always having to look over my shoulders all the time.

I tried to rebel in the only way a child could. I went to parties, did drugs, lavish money and hang around bad gangs.

Just to get my parents attention but they still didn't care. Their business was all they concentrated on.


I hardly went to school but I was forced to go to school on that fateful day.

I was in class when the gunshots started.

Swiftly after, my bodyguard came to get me. He took me through the back doorway of the school.

But we were quickly surrounded by thugs with guns. Just when I thought I was dead, we heard gunshots.

The gang of thugs disbanded and tried shielding themselves from the gunshots.

But one by one, they fell to the ground but the shooter was never identified by the thugs. But I guess my bodyguard knew who the shooter was.

He asked me to run and while I was running with all the speed in the world, I was dragged into a corner.

She was the one. The other shooter was FREEN SAROCHA. The daughter of my bodyguard.

While still hiding in that little corner, we were attacked by four thugs and she knocked out all four of them.

She  knew martial arts? When did she learn martial arts? Isn't she just a child like me.

Wait!!! she's twenty now. But still, when did she learn how to fight so well and shoot guns. While still going to school.

"Come!! let's move on. We must leave now. There are many more goons coming."  She said.

Wait!!  what about my father?  Are you taking me to my father?  I asked

"We can't talk now. We have to move quickly. When we get to a safe place, we'll talk." She said looking around to make sure we were in the clear.

I was reluctant to leave with her but she held my hand and took me with her.

She starched some clothes somewhere and we had to change before boarding a bus that led out of town.

Some of the goons were placed at the exit of the city but thanks to Freen, we were able to elude them.


We boarded three different buses before getting to our destination.

It was a seaside residence. Only few people lived there. We got into a cabin and then she said;

"The lawd has been kidnapped. Nobody knows what is going to happen to him.

But as long as you're alive, nobody can take over the "DRAGON'S HEAD" and so, your safety is of utmost priority."

Wait! What? My father has been kidnapped? And instead of saving him, she just brought me here.

I was so angry that I slapped her.

"Are you mad? Instead of doing all you could, even laying down your life to save my father, all of you just left him to die in the hands of his kidnappers?

You're nothing but a lowly servant and you dare find your life precious? You better go back and save my father." I roared angrily.

"I'll let it slide this one time because you're hurting about your father. But don't you dare slap me again.

It's just the both of us here. I could do anything I want to you and you won't be able to retaliate.

Also stop calling me your servant because I'm not. I'm the daughter of your bodyguard. And I'm just helping you out" she said after which she gave me an evil smirk and walked away.

To be continued...

The daughter of my bodyguard (Freen&Becky)Where stories live. Discover now