Chapter 39 - New Beginnings

Start from the beginning

The world around me disappeared, I was lost to my mate, there was nothing rushed or passionate about the way we looked at each other, only the joy of each other's happiness. We were going to spend the rest of our lives together, side by side, treasuring each other with everything we had.

The spell was broken when Iris gripped hold of my hand and gave it a squeeze, informing me that we had to move. Everyone turned to look at us as we walked through the crowd towards the stage, the elder generations smiling widely and the friends we had made during our time at the pack beamed at us.

A few of the guys even patted Oliver on the back and cheered as he linked his hand with Iris's, and she did the same to me.

Once we were on the stage, I glanced up at Hunter to see him smiling at me and I stood up straighter turning to face everyone else. Oliver, Iris and I all stood in a line, I was furthest away from Alpha Mason as I was last to be initiated since I would be future Luna.

Alpha Mason spoke again and the pack bowed their heads as he blessed the Goddess and thanked her for the new arrivals to their family. Then he turned to Oliver, who spoke the vows and relinquished his ties with his previous life, before his palm was cut and he offered it to the Alpha.

Then it was Iris's turn, she did the same and closed her eyes when her blood broke the surface of her skin. Some may have thought she was being squeamish, but I knew that she was truly giving up on her pack and her mate that ruled them. She was giving up her family and accepting her new one and that was the thought in my head when Alpha Mason stood in front of me.

"Ready?" He asked softly smiling; I nodded and took a deep breath.

"I, daughter of the Goddess, hereby swear myself to the Red Star pack, to its Alpha, its Beta and its Third. I let go of the old to embrace the new and give myself willing to my new pack, to serve, to protect and to follow my Alpha with my last breath."

My eyes met Alpha Mason's as he handed me the ceremonial knife, cutting my palm I watched as the blood appeared on my skin before I held it out to Alpha Mason. He grinned as he took my palm and then he pressed his finger over the cut. A jolt of electricity ran through my body.

My eyes shot up from my hand and I attempted to look at Mason but something distracted me, otherwise I would have seen the shock and confusion on his face. Instead my gaze landed on a woman standing in the middle of the crowd.

She was holding a small child, who was messing with her hair, and she smiled brightly at me even though she was covered in blood. It was the woman from my dreams, the Luna from the Dusk Star pack; she opened her mouth and said something before turning and walking away.

Nobody else seemed to realise that she was standing there, they couldn't see her, as she left smiling at her child and then she was gone.

I stared at the place in which she had disappeared before loud cheers and applause snapped me out of the trance, the pack was jumping up and down, shouting wildly.

Iris and Oliver were grinning brightly; he turned to her, cupped her cheek and then leaned down to kiss her softly causing a chorus of wolf-whistles to go around the crowd.

"Welcome to the pack."

A beautiful voice said behind me and I turned to see Hunter smiling with his boyish grin, forgetting everything else I wrapped my arms around his neck pulling him down to my height and kissing him.

All the joy and happiness I was feeling went into the kiss and Hunter's arms wrapped around me pulling me even closer. My hands gripped the ends of his hair and I was flushed against his bare chest, pulling away from him I leaned against him and smiled, thanking the Goddess for giving me such an amazing mate.

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