Hayden turned back to us. "She said she'd mobilise even the entire neighbourhood. That's good right?"
"She's going to do all of that?" Charlie asked. "From ghosts to cats - why's everyone here so nice?" He shook his head in disbelief.
"Well, we're helping those who need help, right?" Eugene stepped in with an explanation. "Doing good is naturally what you're supposed to do."
"Tsk, Tsk. Eugene, such an idealist." Hayden smirked. We were teasing Eugene about it constantly. "It's because helping the vulnerable is the ultimate goal of the civilised society! Survival of the fittest is something that happens only in nature." He continued. "Kids these days..." He giggled.
"Well if you are up to a debate about the modern world I am always free Hayden, but for now let's save that wisdom of yours for later, alright?" I patted him on the head and smiled.
"Well, either way, you can think whatever you want." Eugene turned to Charlie.
"Right, which explanation do you like better?" Hayden asked.
"Uh..." that question seemed to catch Charlie off guard a little. "Glasses seems to have the textbook answer, even though it's absolutely unrealistic."
"Thanks, but you didn't need to say the last part." Eugene grimaced.
"It's true though." I sided with Charlie.
"Even still, Hayden is right, too!" The small ghost said with a pout.
"Of course, of course." I assured him.
Charlie was studying Eugene with quite a weird look on his face.

"Charlie? Why are you looking at me like that?" Eugene asked a bit uncomfortably.
"So you go through this hassle just because it's the right thing to do. I was just thinking you were a really good person." Charlie seemed troubled.
"You'll be one too, soon enough." Assured him Eugene.
"Eh, really? I was an evil spirit, wasn't I?" They didn't seem convinced.
"Look at you now, Charlie. You're shining bright. A spirit with a bright light is a good spirit. Boss said so."

That was something I was starting to question bit by bit for the last couple of months.

"So let's just focus on proving that you are a kind spirit. And not committing any new misdeeds." Eugene continued. "Neither one of us wants to accumulate evil deeds and end up as an evil spirit forever, right?"
"If that were to happen, he would have to hide from Boss." I teased. It wasn't like Boss wasn't dark himself.

The cat returned and announced her presence by a loud meow.
"Huh! Already?" Hayden asked in surprise.
"What? They found her already?" Charlie asked.
Hayden had a short conversation with the cat.
"They say they saw her passing the police station. Seems that she's headed toward the flower shop." Hayden translated for us.
"Thank you! I'll ask Eugene to bring you trays later!" He said goodbye to the cat. Before it disappeared, she purred one last time and was gone.
"The flower shop's that way." Eugene pointed.
"K. Let's catch up before we lose her." Said Charlie, full of determination.

We spent the way over to the shop in silence. Well almost. Hayden was blabbering about something none of us seemed to be interested.
Sean was handing out flowers in front of Linda's flower shop.
"Good evening, Hayden, Addie. And my, my, even Eugene is here today!" He greeted us with a smile.
He landed with his eyes on Charlie.
"Huh? Is this another of your Office ghosts, too?" Charlie asked.
"Well we've helped him out before and he's a good neighbour. But no he isn't in the Office." I explained.
"Sean, this is Charlie. They are a new member of our team!" Eugene introduced them.
"I see! So Addie isn't the Newbie anymore." He smiled. "Hello, how are you?" He turned to Charlie.
"I have a bad feeling. Feels like we shouldn't be hanging around like this." Charlie fidgeted nervously.

"And. What. Is. This. How Dare you LITTLE Gangsters!!!" Someone screeched behind us. I spun on my heel. In front of me was an elderly ghost. It was evidently an evil spirit.
"That can't be. Is that the ghost that the cat was talking about when she said she found Joan?" Asked Eugene.
"Oh no, come into the flower shop, to get away from it." Ushered us Sean.
"Damn it. Do something, someone." Charlie wasn't having it.
"Who's going to do that?" Asked Hayden.
"What do you mean who? There are five ghosts here." His face fell as he realised the situation. "Ah... I see... then we're left with... me."
"Charlie?" Sean was shocked.
"Dammit! It's gonna be me, doesn't it?" They were... desperate. "That bastard boss knew something like this would happen, that's why he sent these after me."
"Calm down Charlie." I sent them a look.
"You're a mortal who needs me to play a bodyguard. Sean seems to be an important enough character for River to look out for him." They shot a glare to everyone they were talking about.
"That's... not...." Sean tried to interrupt but Charlie wouldn't let them.
"And Hayden..." Charlie sighed.
"Hayden what?" Asked the ghost curiously.
"You are too vulnerable to use at a time like this."
Hayden giggled.
"And you." He turned to me.
"Yes, me?" I was very interested in what he had to say about me.
"You already saved me once today. I don't need to be indebted to you again." He smirked.
"Fair enough. Although I don't hold grudges. I was merely protecting my brother." I said.
"Adds you know you have to be repaid." Eugene said quietly.
"I know. And they have a perfect opportunity to do so now."

Charlie in Underworld Where stories live. Discover now