Chapter 3 | Mountain of Robotic Bodies

Start from the beginning

"So, captain. Any updates on our objectives with the . . . stale and not-at-all new information?" The technician glances over at our captain.

The captain shakes his head, "Negative, directives remain the same. Termination of all rogue drones, investigation behind Copper-9's meltdown, and rendezvousing with Technician Tessa."

"Well. Any idea what we're doing next?" I ask.

The captain nods and turns to address the both of us, "As a matter of fact, we do." 

JcJenson Transport Ship
In Transit

Flying high above Copper-9's barren wasteland, our transport ship raced through the frigid winds of the snowstorm. The faint and consistent burn of the ship's thrusters could be heard through the reinforced walls. 

"Approaching mission objective, visuals on a tall mound, not too far out." The pilot broke our silence.

"Copy that, bring us down, we'll start here." The captain called back with his orders.

"Affirmative," the pilot nodded, slowly bringing the ship to a halt and panning our descent.

Slowly descending back onto the snow scape, the thrusters eventually cut out as the ship touched down with a gentle *thud*. Being left in silence with only the gentle humming of the cockpit's dashboard and the ship's internal systems at work. 

"All clear," the pilot glanced back at us with a nod.

I glance down at the Charge Rifle in my hands, holding a fresh energy cell in one hand before slotting it back into the rifle. I stood up in recently and relatively repaired hardsuit, plenty of markings and scrapes still reside on it. Though in the end, the hardsuit still worked finely, its systems operational and structural stability stable.

Yet again, we entered the airlock of the transport ship. A few more moments went by until the door behind us closed and the gate to the outside world slid open. We were greeted by yet more darkness and a moderate snow storm. Snow blowing by speedily alongside the wind. I felt none of the coldness when I stepped foot onto the snow floor, the insulation of my hardsuit hard at work.

Our radioman glanced around, "Visibility could be better . . . But manageable."

In a single activation and tap on my interface, my vision went a pale black and white as the lens over my visor relayed me a thermal imaging feed. Not that useful in figuring out what was what, though it allowed me to make out the terrain from more than a dozen meters at most compared to just the naked eye.

A few moments after the last of our four man squad stepped off, the transport ship whirred to life before soaring into the skies once more. We found ourselves standing atop a high hill, the surrounding terrain being rugged and rough in nature. All for the exception of where the terrain led down, a flat valley in the center of the region.  

Within this valley laid the crumbled remains of one of Copper-9's past cities, before it had been abandoned owing to the planet being frozen over. The concrete shells of the city's buildings barely standing, persevering through the winter storm's weather and constant onslaught. The entirety of the city covered in a thick crust of frost. 

Though amongst the frozen buildings, looking past the husks and traversing the lost metropolis, a towering pile laid in the middle of the city. A mountain of robotic bodies looming high above the barren streets, ever growing as more and more bodies are contributed each days . . . At least if the Disassembly Drones were doing their jobs, which they hopefully were. 

We moved silently and without a word as we descending down the hill, moving as an organized group towards the city. Only the blowing breeze breaking the silence. I could explicitly hear my own breaths and heartbeat, with the trudging of my armor in the background. Should I be calm or unnerved about this? Who knows. Consider what's gone on on Copper-9, I'm not sure what to make of the peaceful quiet.

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