"This lighting is doing your eyes so much justice. The way they sparkle like a kaleidoscope of colors, it's like a rainbow just made with a mixture of gold , green, and brown. God really knew what he was doing when he made you." I shamefully admitted out loud,

She squinted her eyes before glaring at me and waving her pointer finger in my face. Every step she took I stepped back to the point she had me against the book shelves like I had her just last week.

"Stop it." She nearly spat out,

"Stop what?" I asked,

"You know what," she assured me,

She glared at me some more before raising her finger up to my face. I watched her closely before grabbing her hand softly and slowly lowering it from my face. I could hear her gulp as I smiled while examining every feature of her face. Gosh she was beautiful.

"I don't know what, So tell me just what you want me to stop." I challenged,

She groaned, "Gosh I hate you! You're just so irritating, annoying and stupid! You're so stupid." She looked at me angrily.

My voice was caught in my throat as I was unsure of what to say. She finally let herself look at me and I could see her shoulders drop and as my gaze softened. She looked terrified and afraid. It was as if she didn't mean to say it.

"I think..." I trailed off as I slipped out of the small space she had me. "I think I'll come back for that book another time." I then gulped and rushed out of the book shop as I heard her repeatedly call out for my name.

She was right, I was stupid as fuck. I was chasing after a married woman that repeatedly told me I wasn't the one she had interest in and this wasn't exactly the relationship and stability I wanted for my child and I. It was the chase that I loved so damn much. The ability and power this woman had over me was strong and it was crazy, I knew that but I couldn't help it. Maybe I just was attached to the idea of her. The idea of what we could have been. But her calling me stupid made me realize that she was also as smart as she was beautiful. I was a dumbass for chasing someone and that wasn't very Spencer Duponté of me.

That day I made sure that I would put all that stuff behind me. That day I knew I wasn't going to be somebody's pity. I had to leave her alone, maybe sleeping around is what I should turn back to, I mean after all, I'm not settling down until 4 more years. What possessed me to think I should start now?

I woke up somewhere drunk. My mind was empty from last night and all I knew was that my head was pounding and my heart was screaming at me for all those shots I took last night. It was like I was burning or something and my chest was tightening.

To my left was a brunette girl with my bed sheets covering her body letting me know that she was naked from head to toe. To my right was a blonde girl who was also naked. I rubbed my temple and groaned at the sight. I must have been real drunk, blonde's aren't even my type.

Before I could even get myself together, my door bell rung. I groaned even more as pain was set to my head and ears. One of the girls groaned as well as I got up and rushed towards the window to see Madelyn standing at my door as she shifted from side to side.

I mentally hit myself before turning around and rushing to grab my sports bra and some simple shorts. It wasn't like I needed to impress her because I made it clear months ago that I was done chasing after her but I couldn't help but want to look at least somewhat—hot for her. It was a force of habit.

My honest MistakeWhere stories live. Discover now