- I think I've got a right to know things too.

- You're not going to start bickering again, are you ? stopped Tulip, in despair.

- I want powers like that too ! said Monarch, overexcited.

- That's going to be a bit complicated, my darling, stopped his mother, consoling him a little.

- Why do you want this power ? Maple asked tenderly.

- Because I could give flowers to dragons who feel sad, replied the little hybrid innocently and enthusiastically.

- You don't need that to do it. You don't have the same power as me, of course, but as we're all different, we can all help each other, in our own way.

- And how can I do that ?

- Nobody knows. That's for you to find out.

- And how do I know ?

- Come on, Monarch, stop bothering Maple with your questions, Tulip interrupted, pulling his child in with his wing.

- It's nothing, don't worry. To finish our little conversation, Monarch, you'll understand when you're older.

- You're better at explaining this sort of thing than I am, commented Tulip, slightly jealous.

- You're good parents, don't worry. As long as you're with him when he needs you, as long as you don't let him down, everything will be fine, Nightjar explained. Believe me it is more than enough.

- You'll be good parents too together, in any case, murmured Fennec.

- I beg your pardon ?

- No, nothing".

Nightjar was touched by Monarch's presence. He still seemed pure, untouched by vices. He seemed oblivious to where he was and this youthful attitude, which made him luminous in its own way, brought a little comfort to their confinement within these sober, colourless walls."In any case, Maple concluded. I can't imagine how my power will help us get out of here. We will need Dandelion's help.

- Are you talking about the silk wing with flamesilk ? asked Pacific.

- That's right, confirmed Nightjar. He's actually under our feet, in the basement, and he's not having a good time there. Do you know if these prisoners are coming back here, to the surface, one way or another ?

- I don't know, said the mudwing.

- We were there once with Quartz, precised the seawing. We only got out because our problem wasn't a big one. It was just an unimportant score-settling and we've been rotting here ever since.

- And do you have any idea when you'll be getting out?

- Recently we were told that we'd be able to leave soon. But nothing seems to be happening.

- What about you ? Maple asked the family.

- We arrived here purely by chance. We weren't told anything about a possible exit, repeated Fennec.

- Did you try anything to escape ? finally asked Nightjar, a little impatiently. Did you try to sneak the keys or even stage a mutiny ?

- That's what we planned to do with Quartz.

- So no, that's what YOU wanted, he retorted.

- But then Tulip, Fennec and especially Monarch arrived, continued Pacific, who didn't seem to be listening. As you see, he doesn't have a wing to escape on. If we manage to get rid of the harnesses on our wings, by burning them for example, and we try to escape, he has only one sentence in store for us if he catches up with us : death. It is quite simply.

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