Zheng Ping looked down at his hands. Although he had done more physical work after the earthquake and had many calluses on his hands, they looked very clean on the whole. After Maodong, his hands became soft again.

    Feeling sour in my heart, I am obviously much older than this little soldier, alas, what the hell is this.

    The tone was uncomfortable but seemed relaxed, "How can a man be so annoying, you can eat it if I give it to you." And he directly stuffed a grapefruit peel candy into his mouth.

    The little soldier hadn't eaten candy for a long time. This grapefruit peel candy made him a lot happier, and his cheeks were a little red. He scratched his head at a loss, "Then...then...thank you." Zheng Ping said

    , "It's okay."

    The little soldier said sincerely this time, "It's fortunate that you have returned to the city, otherwise you don't know what's going to happen."

    Nanzhi thought of the door of his house and asked, "Excuse me, in your company Is there a door that is a little bit stronger? When we came back, the cave door at home was broken by wolves."

    The sweet taste in his mouth gradually melted away, and he felt a lot of strength in his body, and he knew everything about Nanzhi's questions. "The door, we have it in the warehouse of our company, but it's not easy to bring it up in this kind of weather."

    Indeed, it was difficult for them to take only one person through the road just now, let alone a heavy iron gate to walk through it. long mountain road.

    "The blizzard will stop in a few days, so go get it then." The little soldier had already eaten up the candy in his mouth, but the sweetness remained on the tip of his tongue, suggesting happily.

    "Thank you."

    The little soldier quickly said it was okay.

    Then he looked at the sky outside again, "If you can't go back, you can stay here for a day or two, and go back after the blizzard stops. I'm going to stand guard outside for a while, goodbye." The three and

    him After saying goodbye, the little soldier picked up his gun and went to stand guard outside again.

    The three of them looked at each other, and they all saw that the other party didn't want to stay in this group cave, so they had to go back to their own cave against the wind and snow.

    The first thing he did when he went back was to roll up his sleeves and shovel out the snow in front of the house. Then Nanzhi started to clean up the blood left by the wolf. The three of them put the wolf outside the cave to freeze, waiting for the snowstorm to stop Throw it away or otherwise dispose of it.

    After the snow was shoveled away, Zheng Ping quickly built a fire. There was no wooden door to cover the cave, and the cold outside made them unbearable.

    There were still logs piled up in the space, so they hastily nailed a row of wooden boards to make a wooden door for emergencies, at least to keep out the wind and snow.

    Then there are all kinds of wooden shelves in the house. Those that cannot be used are thrown into the fire and burned as fuel, and those that can be used are reused as waste.

    After knocking and beating all afternoon, most of the things in the cave are barely usable, but compared with before, it is still a lot simpler and more empty.

    In the evening, Nanzhi's cooking is not so rich, there is no meat at all, and the plate of eggs can barely be regarded as a meat dish.

    "Nanzhi, why don't you cook a meat dish?" Zheng Ping was puzzled, because there was always meat on the table before.

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