Chapter 4: Individual Demons

Start from the beginning

We were on the floor, me straddling his chest with my forearm braced on his throat when I realized who it was. Oh fuck. Noah.


When I woke up, I hadn't know where I was. It took me a minute to realize I was in Saturn's guest room. When I did, I rolled over and checked my phone, seeing that it was just minutes before noon and I had an email from Ollie. I opened it to see it was the contract and I forwarded it to Saturn's email.

I didn't know if she had her email on her phone or if she'd see it in the next few moments, so I rolled out of bed and tied my hair up with the band on my wrist before leaving the room. I was about to knock on her bedroom door when I heard soft music coming from the other end of the penthouse.

Following the sound, I found myself leaning against the doorframe of what appeared to be her dance studio. She had on a black sports bra and shorts and was listening to a very soft, beautiful song. She was upside down, moving her arms gracefully and had her eyes closed. Until she didn't. All of a sudden, she was on the floor, gasping. I ran over and held my hand out to her to help her up. I opened my mouth to apologize for scaring her when I was thrown through the air and landed on my back, with no air in my lungs.

Once I got my sight back, I saw Saturn looking down at me. She was sitting on my chest, arm pinned down with her own arm holding steady pressure to my throat. I could barely breathe and she had a feral look in her eyes. After a few seconds, that look went to one of rage.

Her tone when she spoke did not reflect it, "Did I hurt you?" She asked, climbing off of me and extending a hand to help me up.

I chuckled lightly at the role reversal, "Nothing I won't get over. Are you okay? Sounded like it hurt when you landed on the floor."

She walked over to the chair in the corner and pulled on her red pants, "I'll be fine, I've gotten worse from falling off." She unplugged her phone and put on her sweatshirt before heading out of the room with her mug in hand me trailing behind her.

She led me into the kitchen where she got me a mug and refilled hers, "So.. you need something from me or..." she trailed off.

"I was just going to let you know that the contract came in and I was going to see if you wanted to review it," I said before taking a sip of my coffee.

She nodded for a moment before running into the hall that held her studio and her office and emerging with her laptop in hand. She sat down at the island and patted the seat next to her for me to sit and we began flipping through the contract, discussing the hours and pay rate among other things.

We were about half way through, with some notes written here and there with things to change by the time 3:30pm rolled around and I couldn't go any longer without my brain breaking.

"I know we're right in the middle of this but we've been at it for just over three hours and my brain needs a break," I sighed, rubbing my eyes.

"Well, are you hungry?" She asked, "We can figure out something to make for lunch if tofu doesn't bother you."

I nodded, "Tofu is fine. Are you vegan or something?" I asked politely.

She shook her head, standing up from the island and heading toward the fridge, "Tofu caesar salad?"

"Sure," I responded, rubbing at my temples, "You have any aspirin or something? I have a massive headache coming on."

"In the ensuite bathroom for the guest room, left hand side drawer, second down on the vanity," she didn't turn back to face me so I quickly went into the bathroom. I grabbed the bottle, dumped two of the small tablets into my hand and walked back out.

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