Chapter 106 Frisky

Start from the beginning

The Lans can't punish for what they don't know....

Decision made, Hui Gai brings his fingers together so-the-tips-are-touching move and the kids come together like blobs of jelly, paralysed against their will.

The last thing he sees is Zago nabbing more of the fruit, XiChen singing high pitch and out of tune under the table, and Jiang Cheng destroying roses with Zidian for having thorns.

Huaisang is stealing boots and the ducklings are sprawled in an untidy heap on the floor, passed out and completely out of it. Zhitiao is sitting close by, trying to get wasted by drinking leftover wine.

Hui Gai catches her eye as he's leaving, and she shoots him a sympathetic grin.

Ouyang Zizhen joins her, bringing more wine.

He refuses to think about his lovely gardens, the beautiful flowers now just petals on the wind, and how this banquet has ended up costing him.

There's nothing else to do except drown his sorrows and try not to think about it.

Realistically speaking, it could have gone far worse.


Wei Ying wakes up to soft lips kissing him all over his face. He giggles as it tickles, Lan Zhan's breath ghosting over the sensitive shell of his ears.

Lan Zhan's lips don't pause for a second, going on a journey of their own of soft exploration. He loves the way Wei Ying's skin feels under his mouth, how it tastes. It is indescribable, warm and inviting, the texture smooth and intoxicating. Lotus flowers and wine.

Lan Zhan feels drunk on his taste, one which at a certain time in his life, he thought he would never get the chance to have.

It makes these moments even sweeter, to be able to take his time with Wei Ying, to truly show him how much he means to Lan Zhan.

Perhaps Wei Ying has an inkling as to what Lan Zhan is feeling, but sometimes even Lan Zhan is overwhelmed by the depth of his love for this wonderful man.

Wei Ying is so beautiful.

Truly, his creator outdid himself and then promptly broke the mould.

His wide and smooth forehead is unblemished, letting Lan Zhan's lips skim across the lovely skin, delighting in how much he's enjoying himself. Like taking a leisurely stroll on a warm summer's day, Lan Zhan wants to appreciate everything about his husband.

He kisses both the smoky lids of his beautiful eyes, sparkling like hidden diamonds as desire begins to grow in their granite depths. But Wei Ying doesn't stop him.

So generous with his love.

So trusting.

Lan Zhan loves him so much.

His cute button nose, so endearingly adorable, the way Wei Ying scrunched it up when he's thinking. Lan Zhan kisses it briefly, before his lips move onto beautiful round cheeks flushed with sleep, his teeth grazing their softness, a bite to the jaw before licking away the sting.

Wei Ying raises his head to allow Lan Zhan better access to his neck, and Lan Zhan is undecided whether this is his favourite part of Wei Ying's body.

Certainly, when he's clothed.

His teeth clamp down lightly upon the ridge of his collarbone, hot tongue dipping into the hollows and kitten-licking his way further down.

His hands reach down and undo the ties of their trousers, and then as Wei Ying moans, Lan Zhan changes his mind.

He wants this kiss.

It is harsh, brutal in its savagery, and yet laced with tenderness reserved only for his Wei Ying. The matching hunger he can feel like an electric current skimming just under the surface of their skin is only another reminder of how fast they can burn together.

Drugging kisses that seem to go on forever, a sealing of promises made long ago and revived every single night, a promise not to take anything for granted.

Wei Ying kisses him back with everything he's got, letting go of their hands just so his arms can pull Lan Zhan even closer, their tongues stealing every breath in a dance to the death, a thrall of the ancient need to consume, to conquer and to give.

Tenderness takes over, and teeth become gentler, savouring each other's taste in greedy wet kisses.

It is such a pleasure, one that only increases in depth and meaning, coming together again and again. The ebb and flow of their love remains as constant as the waves of the sea coming to rest upon the shore.

Wei Ying is drowning in the love overpowering his senses, everything he can feel for his caring lover, his husband, overflowing from his heart like a bursting dam of uncontrollable feelings.

Their love is luminous, lighting up all the dark parts of themselves to clear away all the other emotions and leave only this one.

A powerful surge of it rips through their bodies as they join to become one, a pulsating power of tremendous proportions, liquefying their muscles and letting their hearts beat in tandem.

Afterwards, Wei Ying smiles as Lan Zhan wipes his face of sweat.

"How are you feeling, my love?"

Lan Zhan feels great now, and he doesn't know why Wei Ying is asking him that.

Maybe it's time for another distraction.

His hands reach out for his qiankun pouch and he withdraws the gift that the Tree gave them. The golden pouch shimmers in the candlelight, full of magic and hinting at good times.

"I wonder what that is," Wei Ying reluctantly sits up, but he feels like jelly, so his arms hold him up shakily.

Lan Zhan tips it open onto the centre of his palm. There are two round golden pills, shining with lustre.

They remind Wei Ying of Lan Zhan's golden eyes.

"Are we supposed to eat them?" He whispers it, looking at his husband.

He thinks Lan Zhan's eyes might be his favourite part of Lan Zhan's face, so expressive, perhaps only to him. It gave him a secret thrill to know that most of the time, it was only he who could tell what Lan Zhan was feeling.

"Mn, together." Lan Zhan takes a pill and presses it to Wei Ying's mouth, waiting patiently for him to open it.

Wei Ying takes his and does the same to his beautiful husband.

They open for each other together, and immediately, a sweetness explodes on their tongues.

Wei Ying is shocked to find himself trembling, his skin glowing like the radiant sun, and when he looks at Lan Zhan, there's the same wonder shining on his face, as they marvel at each other.

They have always been beautiful to each other, but never like this.

Whatever they have imbibed has accelerated everything, infusing it with a hundred tines the concentration of their ordinary feelings.

"Sweetheart...I need you!" Wei Ying gasps, clutching at his arms, and Lan Zhan pushes him down, feeling the same way.

This hunger to join again, it's more powerful than either of them expected, a raging wildfire with absolutely no way of controlling it.

It rushes through them in waves of intense pleasure, shocking, vibrant and alive, an unquenchable desire, ripping them apart and putting them back together again and again.

Like a circle of love with no beginning and no end, just an endless, passionate love which seems to go on forever and ever.

The sleep that follows them later is healing, letting them finally rest.

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