73 - Malfoy's Mistake

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musical mood: right where you left me - taylor swift

There was little alcohol could fail to solve, but your ex boyfriend, whom you were still in love with, finding out you'd joined a terrorist organisation wasn't one of them.

Cass didn't care that she was drenched, eyes red from sobbing, and probably already looked drunk as she stumbled into the Hogs Head. She didn't care that the eyes of the midnight pubgoers were fixed on her. She didn't care about anything at all.

She'd failed. Her mission had been failed. George was bound to tell someone what he knew, and the aurors would be there any second, to take her away, lock her up in Azkaban and throw away the key. Even worse, of course, was that You-Know-Who wouldn't take kindly to her incompetence, and would harm those whom she loved so dearly.

It was impossible to stop feeling, when she felt the world caving in around her.

Inhale. Hold. Exhale. Repeat. She told herself as she nursed a bottle of firewhiskey, the burning liquid becoming a godsent as it ran down her throat, numbing her senses.

Numbness. She'd give anything to be numb, numb to Connor, numb to George, numb to anyone and anything that could cause her distress. Oh, how she'd give anything to return to how she had been in her first year, apathetic, misanthropic, without a care for anyone outside of herself. She'd been horrible, but at least her emotions were safeguarded.


Oh for Merlin's sake.

"Hello, Dahlia." Cass greeted the eldest Burke sister, with a dull tone that clearly signalled she'd rather be poking her eyes out with needles than speaking to her.

"Mind if I sit?" She wore a false smile, reminding her of Umbridge.

"Kind of, yeah."

Dahlia took a seat across from her anyways, and Cass bit her lip to suppress a groan.

"You look like shit." She observed.

"So do you." Cass lied. Dahlia looked as gorgeous as ever. She'd cut her black hair to meet her shoulders, and new bangs covered her delicate, acne free forehead.

Dahlia rolled her eyes, knowing full well that Cass was wrong. Cass had always admired that about Dahlia, in the most secret of ways. Her confidence was radiant in the way only the most noble of purebloods possessed. "What are you doing here?"

"What are you?"

"Fancied a pint. I'm meeting my boyfriend here later."

"Still dating Grant Page, then?"

"Engaged, actually." Dahlia stuck out her hand to flash a shiny diamond ring on her finger. It was a generous size, one only the richest of families could afford. "He's a pureblood, so my family approves."


At least one of the Burke sisters will be marrying for love . Cass thought bitterly.

"Well, this has been lovely, catching up, but I really best be off. Don't want anyone at the school to notice I'm gone." Cass stood up from the table, setting down her firewhiskey, but before she could move, Dahlia's hand had wrapped around her wrist, cementing her in place.

"I know your secret, Crouch."

Her stomach fell to the floor.

"What are you on about?" She blinked, trying to feign indifference, though she could tell it wasn't working as she had hoped.

"You're on his side." Dahlia stood up this time, and leaned in as she spoke, her voice barely above a whisper. She was so close to her, Cass could smell her minty breath.

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She didn't need to ask who she was referring to.

"How do you know that?"

"My uncle told me. I know my father has joined his side after escaping from Azkaban. I don't know where he's residing, unfortunately, but no matter. I'll see him again, once I join their ranks."

"You're going to join the Death Eaters?" Cass stared at her in disbelief. Truly, she shouldn't have been surprised, Dahlia had always had a few screws loose when it came to blood supremacy. But it was shocking nonetheless.

"Oh, don't give me that look, Crouch. Hypocrisy doesn't suit you." She snapped. "I'll do whatever it takes to protect my family - to protect my sisters. I know you know how it is. Make no mistake, Crouch, the Dark Lord will win this war, and the best place to be when he does is on his side. I can only pray Beth and Addy will follow in my footsteps."

"Bethany never will." Cass shook her head. "She loves Colin, she'll always love Colin. But...Adelaide...do you think she would?"

"Why do you care?" Her nose scrunched up.

"Because, I'm supposed to recruit Death Eaters. If I have a shot with Adelaide, I'm going to try and take it." Assuming George didn't have her thrown in Azkaban before she had a chance. She had no reason not to tell Dahlia her mission, if Dahlia was truly planning on joining the Death Eaters, then why would she tell on Cass, even if they were enemies?

Dahlia pursed her lips together, considering. Though, when she did choose to speak, it had nothing to do with her little sister. "I don't hate you anymore, by the way. I mean, I don't like you at all, but I've gotten over George, and that whole fiasco. When we thought you were dead, I was actually kind of sad."

"I don't hate you either." Cass admitted with a sad sort of smile. "Hating takes too much energy. Too much emotion."

"I can relate to that." She mirrored her smile. "I think you have a shot with Adelaide. Just don't come on too strong, and maybe mention me. Steer clear of our father, though. She hates him."

"Why does she hate him? Other than him being a death eater, of course."

Dahlia shook her head. "It doesn't matter. Just don't mention him. Okay?"

"Got it."


"Where were you?"

"Fuck off, Henry." Cass groaned, rubbing her temples as she attempted to move past him. "I'm not in the mood."

"I've been waiting for you all night - it's two in the morning! Where were you at two in the morning?"

"Why are you even awake? We have class tomorrow." She dodged his question.

"I could ask you the same question." He folded his arms over his chest, his brown eyes fixed on her.

"I was hooking up with George." She spat, venom seeping in her tone, deciding there was no reason to lie to him. He had the right to know, and she hadn't a care in the world if it hurt him. "Is that what you want to hear?"


"You heard me."

"Cass, you literally just told your dormmates that we're dating! You told me that you were going to try with me, just hours ago! And now you're hooking up with your ex? What the fuck?"

"Don't pretend to be shocked. You're not that stupid."

"What the hell is wrong with you? Holy shit, you're like a whole different person!"

"Just leave me alone, Henry. Please."

"Fine." He pressed his lips together in a straight, thin line, as he shook his head. The look of sheer disappointment on his face was enough to make Cass want to crawl out of her skin entirely. "But don't expect me to come crawling back to you. You've gone too far this time. We can tell people we're dating for the sake of public appearance, but I'll never love you. Not how I used to."

I’m so tired of this guys shit

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1mo ago

Oh idk Henry maybe just maybe she’s not dealing well with the fact that she’s bound to a psychopath who forced her to take the dark mark after murdering her childhood best friend and grandparents? Just a guess

3mo ago

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