"You had sex with San...knowing that he was dating me?" I said looking at him as tears filled my eyes and he nodded.

"Yeosang..I never wanted to hurt you-"

"I think you should leave. "


"Woo, he said leave," Yeojin said looking at him and he nodded before going out the front door.


"Yes?" She asked looking at me.

"Can you stay home tonight?" I asked looking at her and she nodded before pulling me into a hug.

The next day I skipped school and didn't go to work, I just laid in bed all day. I had turned off my phone after Wooyoung left because I didn't feel like talking to anyone. I felt betrayed by the people who I thought were my friends.

I groaned and yelled for my sister to get the door when I heard nonstop ringing of the doorbell. A few seconds later there were heavy footsteps coming up the stairs towards my room before my bedroom door opened and I saw Jongho.

"Jongho? What're you-"

"Why aren't you answering your phone? I've been calling and texting you all day. "

I sighed looking at my TV, "I turned it off. I'm sorry. "

I heard him sigh before feeling the bed dip and I looked over at him to see him laying down beside me.

"I talked- well fought with San yesterday and honestly I'm so sorry about everything."

I nodded before putting my head on his shoulder.

"Yeosang, I mean it when I say that you deserve better. San is an idiot that didn't appreciate what was right in front of him. Yeosang, you're a work of art. You're funny, kind and lovable. You just chose the wrong guy."

I lifted my head and looked at him for a moment as he looked back at me and we looked at each other's lips before I cleared my throat sitting up straight.

"Right well, thank you. You're really sweet, " I said smiling at him and he nodded smiling at me.

"So how was school?" I asked looking at my hands.

"It was...interesting. San and Wooyoung had a huge fight in the cafeteria. Basically what happened was..."


Jongho's POV.

I looked up when I heard a loud noise and saw San on the ground covered in his food and Wooyoung standing over him.

"Seriously? What the hell is your problem?!" San said looking up at him.

"You're my problem Choi! This is all your fault, because of you, I lost my best friend!" Wooyoung yelled at him and San stood up from the floor and pushed him back a bit.

"You can't say shit to me! This is your mess too!" San yelled at him, "I seriously don't know why you keep blaming me when it was your ass that my dick was in!"

Wooyoung made his hand into a fist before punching San hard in the mouth, splitting his bottom lip open. San quickly grabbed the collar of Wooyoung's shirt and pulled him close to him.

"You never loved Yeosang, did you?! Just admit it!" Wooyoung yelled in his face and San scoffed looking at him.

"Of course I fucking loved him, in fact I still do! You're the one who fucked it all up!" San yelled in his face.

"What about me then? Did you love me at all?!" Wooyoung yelled looking into his eyes and San got quiet before shoving Wooyoung into the floor and walked out of the cafeteria leaving Wooyoung there as he started to cry.

I sighed getting up from my seat and threw my food away before walking towards Wooyoung and helped him off the floor and he hugged me tightly.

"Thanks, I-"

"I don't care, just next time you start a fight, do it somewhere more private. Honestly you two are annoying," I said before walking away to go to my next class.

[Flashback Over]

"Wooyoung really started a fight because of me?" Yeosang asked looking at me and I nodded.

"Yeosang. Wooyoung is fully aware that what he did was wrong. But he does love you and obviously misses you. I'm not saying that you should forgive him because you definitely don't, but I am saying that I don't think Wooyoung is all bad. He's been with you for years and always stuck by your side, even now. So if you ever did forgive him, nobody would blame you. "

"Yeah, you're right. Thank you again..for everything, Jjongie, " he said smiling at me and I smiled widely at the nickname.

He hugged me and I immediately hugged him back until he pulled away.

"I should probably call Wooyoung then and talk to him for a bit, " he said looking at me and I nodded before getting up from the bed.

"I'll leave you to it then. I'll text you later, " I said looking at him and he nodded smiling before I left. I really don't know what's going to happen now, but I'll be dammed if anyone else hurts him anymore...

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