Chu Xia couldn't read the book anymore, so she put down the book and asked him directly: "If you have anything to say, just say it."

Cen Zhengnian wanted to ask about her and An An's life before.

But in those days he knew it from his neighbors, and if he asked again, he was exposing his wife's wound, so he opened his mouth and closed it again.

After a while, Cen Zhengnian spoke in a vague tone: "Are you blaming me?"

Blame him for marrying her but not taking good care of her and An An, blame him for not being able to go home and keep her and An An company.

"No wonder."

Cen Zhengnian immediately raised his head, and the gloom in his eyes faded a bit.

Because Chu Xia was not the original owner, she was not the one to blame. And is it useful to say blame? She is still like this now, and Cen Zhengnian still has to return to his work.

Besides, she is very happy now. Cen Zheng has a lot of money and few responsibilities. Apart from not being able to accompany him all the time, she can't find any faults with him.

"Don't think too much, I can understand your work."

With just this sentence, Cen Zhengnian felt his heart beating uncontrollably.

He stood up straight suddenly, and his voice became more difficult: "Chu Xia, thank you."

Chu Xia didn't know what he was thinking about, but it shouldn't do her any harm.

Just taking advantage of Cen Zhengnian's excellent free teacher, she can ask him more difficult problems in physics and mathematics.

The test papers sent by my grandpa in the capital city were quite a lot of questions and the questions were not small. In early summer, sometimes I got stuck. Ask Cen Zhengnian, and he suddenly became enlightened after a little bit of instruction, and even the learning progress has been accelerated a lot.

Cen Zhengnian sent Cen Huaian to learn how to play chess in the afternoon. When he came back, he and Cen Zhengnian talked more.

Although Cen Zhengnian is not very good at Go, his grandfather is good at it after all, and he learned a little bit when he was a child.

Later, when the general environment was not good, he left.

Cen Huai'an is also a beginner, so the two of them had a lot of topics to talk about, and sometimes they would even play chess at night.

Winning and losing is half to half.

On Monday, Chu Xia went to school during the afternoon off work, sent the papers she had done in the past few days, and took other papers along the way.

The results of the monthly exam have also come out. Seeing Chu Xia, the teacher in charge looked as serious as ever, without any smile.

She pushed her glasses, and handed over a piece of paper: "The monthly exam results, you can see for yourself."

Chu Xia thought she had failed the exam, so she immediately lowered her head to look at the report card, and found that she took the third place in the class - 498 point.

This score is quite high, and compared with her transfer test scores, she has also improved, especially her Chinese and politics, where the improvement is the most obvious.

Chu Xia breathed a sigh of relief, this score was within her expectations. The later the score, the harder it is to improve, so she still focuses on improving the scores of politics, Chinese, and physics. Biology and mathematics also need to work hard.

Seeing that Chu Xia didn't show a proud look, the head teacher nodded: "Although your grades have improved, I think your potential has not been fully realized. You still have room for improvement, so you can't relax!" Chu Xia: "I know,

teacher ."

The teacher in charge didn't explain much, and asked her to put down the completed test papers, and then let her go with the new test papers issued by the teachers.

With Cen Zhengnian around, Chuxia was much more relaxed. Sometimes when she came back, the vegetables were bought and cut, the clothes were washed, and he did more than half of the housework.

Cen Huai'an complained to Chu Xia, saying that he had no work to do and could not earn little red flowers.

He felt sorry for the lost little red flowers, because he had finished reading the comic strips of "Journey to the West", and he wanted to read the next one, but the little red flowers were not enough to exchange.

Chu Xia didn't say anything about this matter, and Cen Zhengnian didn't buy it for him. He counted the money several times a day, and he wasn't willing to take out the money to buy it. It was the same today, as soon as he counted the money , Chu Xia whispered to Cen

Zhengnian: "Today, An An will put the money back after counting, do you believe me?"

Nodding: "I believe."

Sure enough, after counting the money, Cen Huai'an hesitated for a while, but he didn't take any money, and closed the box again.

Chu Xia raised an eyebrow at Cen Zhengnian, and the smile on Cen Zhengnian's face deepened, and he couldn't help but pat her head.

"It's still you who understand him."

Chu Xia only felt a heat on the top of her head, and she was stunned. Except for Grandpa, no one touched her head so intimately.

He was still an adult man, and he felt a tingling sensation from the top of his head to his back, which made Chu Xia feel strange.

"What's the matter?" Cen Zhengnian noticed her daze, and Chu Xia immediately recovered and shook his head: "It's okay, I just suddenly thought of how to do a physics problem." Cen Zhengnian's lips curled up: "You work so hard, you will definitely be admitted to

university ."

When sleeping at night, Chu Xia accidentally touched Cen Zhengnian's hand while covering Cen Huaian with a quilt, and just when Chu Xia wanted to quickly withdraw his hand, Cen Zhengnian held her hand.

Chu Xia was shocked and wanted to take it out, but heard Cen Zhengnian say: "Chu Xia, have you thought about where to go to university?"

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