Episode 2

180 6 11

School sucks

School is a torture specifically designed for all children.

The founding fathers of school thought that children were an unnecessary strain to their parents.

So they designed the most dangerous place that could be used to torture students.
It has a mechanism which is basically scary to all children.

And that torturing mechanism was


It is equiped with various torturing machines,they are also known to us as


These subjects have different ways to keep us tortured mentally or physically.

English keeps us tortured with grammars,
a lot of class work and homeworks.

Maths keeps us tortured with numbers symbols and formulas.

Sports keeps us physically tortured by making us surpass our limits.

Science makes us study things like photosynthesis. Why do we need that shit anyways. It helps plants make food it doesn't help us make food.

Anyways anyone can tell that I enjoy going to school by the words I used to explain it.

Well not really since the only reason I go to school is actually chocolate.

I will keep it easy so that you guys can understand it. Don't get me wrong I am not saying you guys are stupid. It's just that I am too smart for my age...

Mom always offers me chocolates in the morning if I go to school.

Yanqing always brings chocolate cake just for me.

There is always chocolate mousse cake in the menu.

And mom buys me chocolate ice creams after I get home.

I always get hot chocolate if I get an A in all subjects.

So that is kinda the whole reason I go to school.

I was now entering the gates of Honkai middle school and I was greeted by yanqing hugging me from behind.

'my chocolate cake ' I ask yanqing telepathically."come on do you only care about chocolate cakes" I glare at him and he immediately gives me my chocolate cakes.

"You know y/n sometimes I think that you don't move your mouth when you speak" I almost choked.

"Come on yanqing that's not true I mean it is impossible" you xuan answered for you.

Oh thank God yu xuan you are a life saver.

"But you are right yanqing I sometimes feel like y/n doesn't move her mouth when she speaks" uh so much for a life savor. Come on yu xuan you were supposed to be on my side.

'so do you guys have anymore chocolates'
"Come on y/n is it always about chocolates don't you care about us your friends"

'well yeah I mean you guys are my chocolate banks so yeah I care more about the chocolate'

'why did I think otherwise y/n always cares about chocolates huh but still it kinda hurts'

I was shocked to actually hear that thought I mean I thought he wouldn't care if I say that. And I hate seeing you frown yanqing.

'its just like I said you are my chocolate banks so if you aren't here then no one will give me chocolates and I really need chocolates to survive Soo you guys are also important just like the chocolates'

" Wait really so that means you care about us too" yanqing said. I like how childish he acts sometimes it's kinda funny but at the same time it's annoying as hell.

'no I mean I care about you guys because you guys are the source of my chocolates I don't mean any other thing. So can you please not say that again'

"Classic y/n she really loves chocolate huh. I mean she acts like you gave her the world when you give her chocolate I wonder if  there is anyone she loves as much as chocolate." Most of yanqing's thoughts are blurry and I can read only some of them and yeah I read this one too.

Anyone I love as much as chocolate. Well probably not. I actually never thought about it really. Let's see anyone I love almost equal to chocolate

I think it's probably mom and dad. And maybe yanqing. Wait!what!yanqing! How did he end up in my thoughts! Keep calm y/n eat your chocolates. Huh much better.

But seriously y/n how on earth did you even think that yanqing was equal to chocolate.

I mean no way in hell would I ever think that.

To be honest yanqing mostly scares me,Since most of my powers don't work on him.

I mean I try a lot of powers and they don't work on him.

It's like he can counter back all of my powers but it's still impossible isn't it.

It's not just him though. It's actually anyone I am really close to. Like Yu Xuan, mom and dad.

Anyways class is gonna start now and I will have to drag Yanqing there since we have the same class and he basically complains about school everyday.

I mean I am different than him, I praise school since I get a lot of chocolate out of it.

"Come on y/n let me go seriously why am I supposed to go to class"

'uh dummy you sure aren't gonna leave me to suffer by myself are you? so you are coming like it or not ,and how will I be entertained if you aren't there?' I said trying to be as sincere as possible when I said that and mission accomplished.

"Come on y/n how can you be so cold you big meanie" uh dude I said mission accomplished.

Anyways I still dragged him to our class and I was so happy I did because it was all worth it.

"Yanqing quit complaining and get to work. You haven't done both your home work nor your class work." Our English teacher said.

"Yes ma'am I am so sorry" yanqing was absolutely super calm......NOT. and that is why my dear yanqing I always bring you to class with me.

'y/n this is all thanks to you if you didn't drag me to class then this wouldn't have happened '

I was gonna reply to that comment but I decided against it because I remembered it was just a thought.

It is like I can read yanqing's mind whenever he is thinking shit about me.
Well it still doesn't make sense.

Any ways yanqing you are hell of an interesting guy huh.

So did you guys enjoy this chapter. I edited some parts of it 🙂. Ik it's not that obvious but ig it's still works.

Please keep in mind that I already mentioned I was a horrible writer. So please don't hold it against me.

Anywho I hope you enjoyed this chapter bye-bye.

Omg 1058 words I am rocking this thank you all for reading and bye I love you all.


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