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I was really scared when I was attacked but honestly, I'm actually thankful to that man for what he did.

He brought us closer and made my grey world a little more colourful.

This is the first time that she is being nice to me.

I mean, she was talking to me and being nice to me at the same time.

Now she always held me by the hand and sometimes by the shoulder to protect me.

I mean, I know that she's just doing it to protect me but I was really happy that she allowed me to always be by your side.

She introduced me to her friends though she never told them my real name.

She told them that we were friends on a vacation and that we would go back home after sometime but they didn't believe that our friendship was platonic.

"Why won't they believe that were friends?" I thought to myself.

Freen is very convincing. Even I almost believe her that were friends but yet they didn't believe.

"She's a girlfriend right?" A friend of hers asked.

I wanted to say something to counter the statement but Freeny held me back.

"Yes!! she's my girlfriend." Freen replied.

I didn't say anything but waited until we got home and then I asked her why she just agreed to something that absurd?

I mean, it'll be more believable if she has just stood her ground in saying that we are just friends.

but now she has decleared girlfriend. How are we going sell that?

"You don't have to worry about that. Just let them believe whatever they want to believe. In a short while, we will leave this place and go back home and that's all that matters." Freen said.

Why didn't they believe that we were just friends but when you mentioned that we were in a relationship, the quickly believed you?" I asked

But she wouldn't answer me. I kept on asking and asking and then she said;

"I'M GAY OKAY!!! I'm gay so it's easier for them to believe that you're my girlfriend don't believe that you're just my friend."

My mouth was literally open when she said those words. I was so surprised. I mean I never thought that she was gay.

I didn't know how I felt when she said those words.but I like the fact that she was gay.

"Close your mouth Becky. You don't want to flies going in there to you. Do you?" Freen said to end the conversation. She was about walking away.

But before she did, I said "so does that mean we have to pretend to be girlfriend and girlfriend?" I didn't know when those words came out of my mouth but I said them.

"No Becky we are not pretending to be anything. Telling them that we are together is enough.

They won't demand for anything else and even if they do, we can just tell them that we are keeping our love affair private."

Well that was disappointing. I wanted to have fun but Freen just ruined it. What is the use of telling people that we're a couple, if we can not pretend to be couples in front of them?

I wanted to be a pretend girlfriend to Freen.  I didn't know why but I just saw it interesting.

I wanted to do it but she wouldn't play along with me.

I was still satisfied just being by your side all day long and also people thinking that we are actually a girlfriend and girlfriend made me happy too.

Although we were close now it was still very evident that we actually have our walls up to each other.

Especially Freen.

No matter how much I tried, she will never allow me to come closer.

Sometimes people watched us and I'd tell her that we should hold hands or she should put her over my shoulder but she always refused.

I don't know why she was being so stubborn. it's just putting hands on My shoulder, it's not gonna kill any of us.


One day, a friend of hers came to us and told us that we don't look like two people in love.

She said we never hold hands or look into each other's eyes with love.

She said that we don't do any of those lovey-dovey things together and they wanted to see us do it.

Obviously Freen use the line "of wanting to keep our love affair as private" but they insisted that they really wanted us to kiss.

Now that was a huge problem for the both of us.

To be continued...

The daughter of my bodyguard (Freen&Becky)Where stories live. Discover now