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I just can't get that kiss off my mind and frankly, Freen couldn't either. Her behaviour has changed.

She could no longer look me in the eyes. She avoided having eye contact with me and she also became less mean to me.

Although that's mostly because she avoids me and not talk to me.

"It's been two days Freen. Why are you still being so awkward about our kiss.

It was just a kiss right? Or did it mean more than that to you? I asked her.

I was just teasing her and trying to make our awkward situation less awkward.

But she took it seriously. She became less at ease, as if I just caught her.

"Ohh!!! That means our kiss at the beach meant more to you. Right? Have you been thinking about it and about me since then?" I asked still teasing her.

"It didn't mean anything to me. " She said

"We just had to do it to make them believe that we were a couple. And that was all. Nothing more, nothing less." She continued, defending herself.

She wasn't being sincere. Her eyes were all over the place while she was talking and she never looked me in the eyes.

I don't know why but I liked how shy she was. She was subtle and cutely defending herself.

She looked down and avoided eye contact, playing with her nails while talking. I liked how "in control" I was.

She has always been fierce and bold, looking me in the eyes while talking to me, even back at home when I had all the power and authority of my father backing me up.

But now, I am in charge. But that wasn't what made me happy the most.

She must have thought of sex while kissing me. We had a steamingly hot kiss and I felt something but I thought she wouldn't feel anything since she hated me but she fantasized about us having sex.

"Really?? So we were only proving a point to our neighbours, nothing more, nothing less?" I asked Freen while moving slowly towards her.

She became more unease and moved backward as I moved forward towards her.

Soon, her back was against the wall. With nowhere else to go, she finally spoke;

"What are you doing? stop that!! Becky stop whatever game you're playing."

"Nothing Freen, I just want to make sure that our kiss was a pretence." I replied while moving further.

How are you planning to confirm that?" Freen asked.

I could feel her heart beating fast but I pushed myself further into her space.

Soon there was no space between us. She tried leaving through the side but I place both of my hands on the wall pinning her down.

Then I said; "Let's kiss again. Don't stop me, I'll stop when I want. If you can control yourself, then I'll believe that our kiss was just a pretence to you."

She looked at me for a while and nodded in agreement, which only confirmed that she liked our kiss and wants to do it again.

If it was just a pretence to her, she wouldn't have agreed to kiss me again especially since nobody was watching us.

I mean, it shouldn't have mattered to her whether I think it's a pretentious kiss or not but she wants to prove that there's no feeling attached.

People with nothing to hide don't try to prove things. They just see you as being "full of yourself" and ignores you.

But she's trying to prove points. Which means she was hiding something.

I moved in for a kiss but she gulped and looked away. I couldn't help it but smiled.

She looks so pretty, trying to resist me. I could feel her heart beating faster and I felt her hands shaking indecisively.

They didn't want to stay put. They couldn't resist the hotness of my body that was tightly pinned against hers.

She wants to put her hands on me and grab me right there and then, consuming me whole. But she was holding back.

Come on Freen, just give in. Give in to your thoughts.  let out those  desires of yours. Let them sprouts to the surface.

I was like a game to me at first but being that close to her, something changed.

I could feel the heat also. There was this magnetic force drawing me towards her.

My lips were moving toward hers and no matter what I did, I just couldn't stopped the urge and pull myself together.

"We shouldn't do this." Freen mustered up the courage and said.

At this moment, she was more in control of herself than I was.

What am I doing? this shit just got serious real quick.

What was just a joke to me was becoming a serious situation.

To be continued...

The daughter of my bodyguard (Freen&Becky)Where stories live. Discover now