I  didn't notice that my waterworks had started until Luke wiped them away.  Then I start to sob uncontrollably and Luke gets up with a worried  expression on his face.

"What happened? Did I do something wrong? Oh  God I messed up again didn't I? Please don't cry, I will redo the  proposal. I'll do it nice and special just for you, please stop crying."  he begged

"I'm not crying because your proposal sucked" I said while  hiccuping in between. "I'm crying because I'm so happy and the stupid  pregnancy hormones is making it worse." Again I hiccuped. "And I can't  believe you still want to marry me even when I get all cranky and  annoying while I'm pregnant." I said while my sobs slowed down into  sniffles while Luke was rubbing my back.

Luke laughed. "I love you and I love you even more when you're cranky, annoying and emotional while my baby is in you, okay?"

I nod while smiling at him but it came out as a grimace thanks to the pain I felt in my lower area.

"Now yes or yes?" he asked again

"You're not giving me much of a choice" I grumbled.

"Well you don't get any more options, now choose" he laughed while pecking my head then my lips.

"Yes" I said trying to smile as another wave of pain hit me.

Luke slipped on the ring and I clenched my teeth together not wanting to let out a scream.

He  carried me to the bed and laid me down before getting on top of me. My  hands clenched around the sheets as I held back another scream.

Luke peppered me in kisses and nibbled on my mark making me let out an involuntary moan.

Suddenly  I felt water running down my legs. My eyes went wide and I looked over  at Luke to see him concentrating on my mark and giving it his full  attention.

"Luke?" I said trying to get his attention.

"Mmhmmm?" he hummed

"I think my water just broke" I said

That got his attention. "What, now?" he asked

"No about three days ago and I just decided to tell you. Yea now!" I told him on the verge of smacking him for his stupidity.

"The  little bugger couldn't wait until I was finished" he grumbled before  getting off of me and running to the closet to get the bag I packed to  take to the hospital.

I was about to laugh but another wave of pain hit me causing me to yelp out in pain.

Luke came running back with all of my things with a worried expression on his face.

"What happened?" he asked looking around

"It hurts" I whined tears forming in the depths of my eyes.

"Let's  get you to the infirmary alright?" he asked before lifting me up and  running down the stairs while my face was tucked in his neck inhaling  his scent. It calmed me down for some time until I felt another wave of  pain. I gritted my teeth and groaned out loud. My nails digging into  Luke's skin. He didn't say anything but just kept walking as fast he  could with me in his arms.

"When I said you better come out soon, I didn't mean now!" I screamed at my belly.

The little bugger kicked me a couple of times and I smiled at that before it turned into a grimace thanks to the contractions.

Luke brought me into the infirmary and placed me on the bed.

"Shay!" Luke yelled loudly.

Shay  is now a pack doctor. Who knew she was smart? I mean I did know but I  didn't think she was that smart. I know there's something going on with  her but she doesn't want to tell me so I let her be. Her and Ian  are...on better terms now but they still haven't mated surprisingly. I  don't know what happened but they obviously still have issues.

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