Chapter 1: New Beginnings

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I sat in what felt like my designated corner at the bar that became my second home on Brattle Street. After four or five years, I was on a first-name basis with the bartender, and I was an evening regular at The Longfellow Bar.

Well, all good things must come to an end.

"Alex, I can't believe this is the last time we'll be at our table," Aaron pouted as he took a sip of his whiskey. He had been one of my closest friends throughout our time in Boston, both through school and after graduation.

"It's not the last time drama queen, I'll still come visit. How could you think so little of me?" I joked, swirling my glass of wine lightly. Aaron smirked, and Savannah smiled at me. She held up her wine.

"To new opportunities, and flying the nest." We all toasted, and I looked over at another one of my closest friends. The fourth one at our table who completed our quartet, Cody, smirked and added, "You're gonna miss Boston more than you think."

The three of them had been a huge reason I had gotten through law school at Harvard and had landed my first big job at a big law firm in Boston after graduation. We were each others' support system during our time at Harvard, and through our first year or two out in the real world as associates.

I smiled and replied, "Boston does have a special place in my heart - but now you guys will have a free place to stay when you visit New York, so that's a plus."

We spent the rest of the night enjoying each others' company as we watched the city of Boston head to sleep - and as I relished in the last night I had here before making the move to New York.

It was a no-brainer career move for me; even my mentors at my now-former law firm had told me to take this new job.

It wasn't every day that the best law firm in New York offered you a job as an associate.

My phone rang as I got the last of my boxes in my brand new Manhattan condo. I scrambled to put my things down and grabbed my phone to see an unknown number calling. I hesitated before picking it up.

"Alexandra Collins?" A female voice asked on the other line. "This is she, may I ask who's speaking?" I replied, a bit nervous.

I heard a small chuckle before she replied, "Hi, my name is Donna Paulsen, I'm a secretary for Pearson Hardman! I just wanted to reach out and see how you're settling in!"

I took a breath, a bit shocked that someone from my new firm was calling to check in. I smiled and answered, "I actually just got the last of my things moved in to my apartment, so now I just need to unpack and get my feet under me - it's a beautiful part of the city!"

Donna asked where I was, and I told her, "Midtown East, near Turtle Bay and Sutton Place - the views are insane." She added, "You're not too far from the office then - we're more toward Central Park. I'll leave you to getting settled, but once you feel at home, we'd love to sit down with you in the office and get you ready to go!"

I smiled and replied, "I would love that - thank you!" As I ended the conversation with Donna, I couldn't help but look forward to this new chapter with Pearson Hardman.

I had finally finished furnishing my new apartment, and I took the Subway to head to the office. It wasn't a very long ride, maybe 15-20 minutes, and I was trying to get myself acclimated to using it. It didn't seem to be much different from the T back in Boston - just with a bit more New York flavor.

I got off at 5th Avenue and East 87th Street and began the 5 minute walk to the office. I made a mental note to leave heels at my desk for the commute, and I arrived at the beautiful glass building. Before I entered, I grabbed my phone and gave Donna a call, letting her know I was here.

A few minutes later I saw a red-headed woman approach me. I smiled warmly, and she returned the smile and asked, "Alexandra?" I nodded and extended my hand, and she shook it, continuing, "It's so great to finally meet you! I'm Donna."

"I have all of your things upstairs - your ID, onboarding materials, and I can show you to your desk once you're done meeting with a few of the Senior Partners."

I glanced up at Donna in confusion and asked, "Did you say I'm meeting with Senior Partners?" She smiled and replied, "Yes, they've wanted to meet you ever since your resume came through. Louis Litt is your Associate Supervisor and he's also a Junior Partner at the firm. There may be a few others who will pop in as well."

Before I could process what she had just said, I got off the elevator with her at the 52nd floor and was met with a beautiful office space. It looked as if each Partner or more senior-level member of the firm had their own glass office. Donna grabbed my ID and a packet off her desk and handed them to me - I noticed her desk was directly outside one of the Partners' offices.

Before I could ask anything, Donna guided me into one of the glass offices. I had to stop my eyes from bulging out of my head when I saw the name on the glass door.

Jessica Pearson, Managing Partner

Before I could ask any questions, Donna opened her mouth and said, "Ms. Pearson, Alexandra Collins is here." I looked over at the large desk in front of the floor-to-ceiling window and watched as none other than Jessica Pearson turned around.

"Thank you, Donna," Jessica said, prompting the only familiar face I had to leave the room. Jessica ushered for me to sit down on one of the couches in her office, and she sat opposite me. She extended her hand and said, "It's so great to finally meet you, I'm Jessica Pearson. Welcome to Pearson Hardman."

I smiled and replied, "Thank you, Ms. Pearson, I'm really looking forward to getting started." After some small talk about how the move went for me and how the firm was doing after winning a pretty publicized case a few weeks ago, I saw two men enter the office.

"You called?" The smaller man asked, sounding a bit annoyed. The taller man next to him only smirked, and I could tell already that the two had a boyish, competitive nature to them. All in good fun, I guess.

"Yes Louis, I wanted to introduce you to Alexandra Collins, our newest Associate. She just moved into the city and will be starting with us in the next week or so."

Jessica turned to me and said, "This is Louis Litt, he's a Junior Partner at our firm and oversees all of the Associates. You'll be working very closely with him." Louis approached me and shook my hand, saying, "It's good to meet you, Alexandra." I replied with the same.

Jessica trailed and added, "Though I have a feeling you may be working with someone else a bit more." Her eyes moved to the other man. He was taller than Louis, and boy was he good-looking. It seemed like he has a proclivity for mischief judging by the smirk on his face.

"This is Harvey Specter."

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